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Дата: 22.11.2021
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6_klas_etika_oporni_konspekti_vchitelja (1).doc

Writing Comprehension

Choose one of the quotations given below and comment upon it.
1. Are you an ambitious person? Share your ambitions.

2. What is hobby? How do we choose a hobby? How does a hobby influence our life?

3. What do you like most about yourself?

4. Freedom is like taking a bus – you have to keep doing it every day! (Florynce Kennedy)

5. Dreams are like stars … you may never touch them, but if you follow them they will lead you to your destiny. (Oscar Wilde)

6. Describe your ideal living situation, including city or country, an apartment or house, alone or with a family.

Speaking Comprehension

  1. Imagine you’ve got a chance to choose any career you’d like. What would it be? Why?

  2. Describe your favorite season and explain why you like it.

Listening Comprehension

  1. Tick the statements true or false.

  1. A wealthy lady lived in a big hotel in New York, that overlooked the Park.

  2. One day as she was looking out of the window, she saw a man dressed in a latest fashion.

  3. He sat on a wooden seat and looked up at the windows of the hostel.

  4. She looked the next day and the next, and every day he was looking up at the windows of the hotel.

  5. At last, one day while she was driven in her car, she told the driver to stop by the seat, where the man was sitting.

  6. She got out and spoke to him and asked him why he was looking at the windows of the hospital.

  7. All the time I think that some day I’ll sleep in that hotel.

  8. Tonight you will sleep in the worst room in the hotel.”

  9. But all last night while I slept, I thought that I’ll be back on the warm soft seat.

  10. So, I’ll go back to my seat in the park tonight.

Choose the correct variant

11. A wealthy lady lived in a big hotel in New York, that overlooked the .

a) lawn;

b) forest;

c) garden;

d) park.

12. One day as she was looking out of the window, she saw … … … … … .

a) a very poor man dressed in rags;

b) a very rich man dressed in the latest fashion;

c) a very poor woman dressed in rags;

d) a very rich woman dressed in the latest fashion.

13. He sat on … … and looked up at the windows of the hotel.

a) an iron seat;

b) a wooden seat;

c) a tin seat;

d) a glass seat.

14. She looked the next day and the next, and every day he was looking up at … … .

a) the windows of the hostel;

b) the windows of the hospital;

c) the windows of the hotel;

d) the windows of the restaurant.

15. At last, one day while she was driven in her car, she told the driver to stop by the seat, where the man … … .

a) was singing;

b) was eating;

c) was sleeping;

d) was sitting.

16. She got out and spoke to him and asked him why he was looking at the .

a) windows;

b) doors;

c) gates;

d) fence.

17. “Lady,” he said “I sit on this seat every day and I sleep on this seat every night and all the time I think that some day … … … .”

a) I’ll sleep in that hotel;

b) I’ll sing in that hotel;

c) I’ll eat in that hotel;

d) I’ll sleep in that hostel.

18. The said, “I should make your dream come true. Tonight you will sleep in the best room in the hotel.”

a) clerk;

b) driver;

c) servant;

d) Lady.

  1. The … … when she was sitting at her breakfast she saw the man and called him to come to her table.

a) next evening;

b) next morning;

c) today morning;

d) today evening.

  1. “Surely not,” said the Lady. “Yes,” said the .

a) driver;

b) servant;

c) beggar;

d) manager.


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