Ім'я файлу: DONE TOPICS.docx
Розширення: docx
Розмір: 17кб.
Дата: 20.02.2023
Пов'язані файли:


  1. JS programs

  2. Statements consist of

  3. Semicolons

  4. White Spaces

  5. JS line length and breaks

  6. JS code blocks

  7. JS Keywords


  1. What is syntax

  2. JS values types

  3. Literals

  4. Variables, how create, purpose

  5. Operators

  6. Expressions

  7. Keywords


  9. Identifiers/names

  10. Case Sensitive

  11. Camel Case

  12. Character Set

JS comments

  1. Purpose

  2. Single Line Comments

  3. Multi-line comments

  4. Comments to prevent execution


  1. Ways to declare variable

  2. What is variables

  3. When used var, when let const

  4. When to use const

  5. Js identifiers

  6. Assignment Operator

  7. Data types

  8. Declaring Js variable

  9. One statement, many vars

  10. Value = undefined

  11. Redeclaring

  12. Arithmetic

  13. Dollar Sign

  14. Underscore


  1. Cannot be redeclared

  2. Block scope

  3. Redeclaring variables

  4. Browser support

  5. Redeclaring

  6. Let hoisting


  1. Cannot be reassigned

  2. Must be assigned

  3. When to use

  4. Constant object and arrays

  5. Change elements of constant array

  6. Constant objects

  7. Browser support

  8. Block Scope

  9. Redeclaring

  10. Hoisting


  1. Ar. Operators

  2. Ar. Operations

  3. Operators and operands

  4. + - / * %

  5. Exponentiation

  6. Precedence


  1. Assignment operators

  2. Logical assignment

Data Types

  1. 8 data types

  2. 3 type of object data

  3. Types goal

  4. Dynamic types

  5. Strings

  6. Number

  7. Exponential notation

  8. bigInt

  9. Booleans

  10. Arrays

  11. Object

  12. Typeof

  13. Undefined

  14. Empty value


  1. Function is

  2. Function syntax

  3. Function invocation

  4. Return

  5. Why functions

  6. () operator

  7. Function as variable value

  8. Local variables


  1. Object is

  2. Object definition

  3. Obj props

  4. Obj props access

  5. Obj methods

  6. This

  7. This keyword

  8. Obj methods access

  9. Not use string, number, Boolean objects


  1. Events are

  2. Common html events

  3. Event handlers


  1. Strings length

  2. Escape character

  3. Breaking long code lines

  4. Strings as objects

  5. Objects never compares

String Search Methods

  1. IndexOf

  2. lastIndexOf

  3. Search

  4. Includes

  5. Match

  6. MatchAll

  7. startsWith

  8. endsWith

Template Literals

  1. Backtics syntax

  2. Quotes inside template

  3. Mulitlines

  4. Interpolation

  5. Variable substitution

  6. Expression substitution

  7. HTML templates

  8. Browser support


  1. Number Types

  2. Integer Precision

  3. Floating Precision

  4. Adding numbers and strings

  5. Numeric Strings

  6. NaN

  7. Infinity

  8. Numbers as Objects


  1. For what

  2. Js Integer Accuracy

  3. How to create bigint

  4. Bigint new type

  5. Bigint operators

  6. Bigint decimals

  7. Precision curiosity

  8. Browser support

  9. Min max safe integers

  10. New num methods


  1. Number methods

  2. Converting vars to numbers

  3. Number method

  4. Number method with dates

  5. Number object methods

  6. Global vs numbers methods for converting to string


  1. Why use arrays

  2. Creating array

  3. Using new keyword

  4. Accessing array elements

  5. Changing array elements

  6. Access the full array

  7. Arrays are objects

  8. Array elements can be objects

  9. Array props and methods

  10. Length prop

  11. Accessing the first element

  12. Accessing last

  13. Looping array

  14. Adding

  15. Associative Array

  16. Difference between arrays and objects

  17. When arrays when objects

  18. Common error with new Array()

  19. How to recognize Array

JS DATA Object

  1. Js date output

  2. Creating data obj

  3. New Date(date string)


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