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Дата: 29.05.2023

What is Sociology?


Suggest предлагать, suggestion предложение, remain оставаться, urge позыв, identify идентифицировать, contribute делать вклад, volume объем, decade десятилетие, suicide самоубийство, prove доказывать, lead вести, expansion расширение, rapid быстрый, cause причина, behaviour поведение , response ответ, related связанный, relation связь, primary первичный, subject matter предмет, connection соединение, concern беспокойство, exclusively исключительно, intangible нематериальный, affection привязанность, illegal нелегальный, society общество, activity деятельность, survey опрос, share поделиться, equally в равной степени.

№2 .

  1. The company is spending $ 650 million to develop new products.

  2. She thinks that literature has no relation to reality.

  3. This book was first published in 1889. It is about the role of women in Western Society.

  4. His comments met with an negative response from the participants.

  5. There is only one copy left, so we’ll have to share

  6. Nobody knew the cause of his death.

  7. I made a few suggestion about how we could spend the afternoon.


  1. The name sociology was first proposed in the 1830s.

  2. The first sociologists were Auguste Comte, Herbert Spencer, Ferdinand Tonnie and Emil Durkheim.

  3. Herbert Spencer in England published the first of three volumes, The Principles of Sociology

  4. The first sociologists studied moral statistics. Their work proved so popular that it led to the rapid expansion of census questions.

  5. The progressive uncovering of social causes of individual behaviour- in response to the questions raised by moral statistics- produced the field called sociology. Sociology is one of the related fields known as the social sciences. They share the same subject matter: human behaviour. But sociology is the study of social relations, and its primary subject matter is the group, not the individual.

  6. There is a close connection between sociology and other disciplines such as psychology, economy, anthropology, criminology, political science, and history.

  7. Sociologists differ, for example, from psychologists because they are not concerned exclusively with the individual, they are interested in what goes on between people. They differ from economists by being less interested in commercial exchanges; they are interested in the exchange of intangibles such as love and affection.

Text 2 . Generating Data in Sociology


Sociologists have two sources of data available to them: data and information they have generated themselves (primary data), or already existing data created for non- sociological purposes(secondary data.) Primary data can result from, for example, the employment of questionnaires, structured, semi-structured and un-structured interviews; and observation techniques.

Secondary data can be more or less anything else: statistics produced by the state (for example, from the census) and by the private companies, letters, diaries, newspapers, books, television and so on.

Some research can only be carried out by using secondary source data: for example, Durkheim’s study of suicide in Europe required him to compare suicide rates in Catholic as compared with Protestant countries and it would have been impossible for him to collect this information personally.

Secondary source data, however , have many disadvantages: it is not usually possible to check whether they are accurate, whether they have been collected or collated in a biased way, in order to present a particular point of view, or whether apparently comparable figures really are comparable for example, Durkheim’s study of suicide in the 19th century has been criticized because different countries have different definitions of what constitutes ” a suicide”.

Some statistics are particularly suspect. For example, crime figures may over-represent certain social groups as criminal, because “white collar” crime is less likely than ‘’ blue collar” to be reported or discovered.

Secondary sources cannot replace feelings and emotions expressed when the social scientist collects information directly for himself or herself , and these may be important ingredients in social science research.


  1. Никто не может существовать без воды более двух недель. No one can exist without water for more than two weeks.

  2. Роль ученых (ученых) состоит в том, чтобы сравнивать и описывать мир, а не пытаться управлять им. The role of scientists (scientists) is to compare and describe the world, rather than trying to control it.

  3. Пожалуйста, позвоните по этому номеру, если вы требуете любой дополнительной информации. Please call this number if you require any further information.

  4. Рост экономики страны в прошлом году составил 3%. The growth carry out of the country’s economy was 3% last year.

  5. Этот телевизор очень дорогой. Наблюдаете ли вы цены в других магазинах? This TV set is very expensive- have you Observe prices in other shops?

  6. Мой друг в настоящее время оценивает исследования раннего христианского искусства. My friend currently rate research on early Christian art.


  1. Secondary source data, however, have many negative aspects.

  2. It is usually not possible to verify whether they are accurate.

  3. Secondary sources cannot replace feelings and emotions expressed when a sociologist collects information directly for himself.

  4. Sociologists have two data sources available.


  1. Sociologists have two sources of data available to them: data and information they have generated themselves (primary data), or already existing data created for non- sociological purposes(secondary data.)

  2. Primary data can result from, for example, the employment of questionnaires, structured, semi-structured and un-structured interviews; and observation techniques.

  3. Secondary data can be more or less anything else: statistics produced by the state (for example, from the census) and by the private companies, letters, diaries, newspapers, books, television and so on.

  4. Secondary source data, however , have many disadvantages: it is not usually possible to check whether they are accurate, whether they have been collected or collated in a biased way, in order to present a particular point of view, or whether apparently comparable figures really are comparable for example, Durkheim’s study of suicide in the 19th century has been criticized because different countries have different definitions of what constitutes ” a suicide”.

  5. For example, crime figures may over-represent certain social groups as criminal, because “white collar” crime is less likely than ‘’ blue collar” to be reported or discovered.

Text 3 . How Cultures Change


Cultures change over time. Sometimes the change occurs so slowly and gradually that it is hard to notice it happening. At other times it is rapid or sudden. A number of Western cultures, including that of the United States, experienced rapid cultural changes in the late1960s, with the beginning of a mass youth culture. The youth challenged many of the values of their parents. This was expressed in radical changes in behaviour, dress, and music.

Variation within a culture is one of the factors that leads to change in the culture over time. A difference in values and behaviours may then be gradually taken up by other groups. In the case of youth culture , the values of that generation may become dominant over time as the group grows and takes power in the society.

The introduction of new technologies is also a major factor in cultural change. You can probably imagine some of the possible changes in behaviour that might happen when television or the telephone are introduced into a community for the first time. If we return to the distinction between material and nonmaterial culture, we can see that changes in the material aspects of a society can bring about changes in norms, behaviours, and values.

Cultural change also occurs when different cultures come into contact with one another, and then borrow from each other. They may exchange ideas, such as religious beliefs, or material artifacts, such as food or clothing. Often when these imported elements are added to the existing culture, they are altered in some way to fit in better with the local culture. For example, the popular Italian food, spaghetti, is said to have had its origins in Chinese noodles, which were brought back to Italy from China by the Italian adventurer, Marco Polo in the late 12th century. Much later, in the early 20th century, spaghetti made its way into the American diet with the arrival of Italian immigrants to the United States.


  1. He’s well-known in the local to experience. Он хорошо знаком с местными жителями.

  2. In the USA the younger generation smokes less than their parents did. В США молодое поколение курит меньше, чем его родители.

  3. These documents are of great historical to occur. Эти документы имеют большое историческое значение.

  4. Could I borrow your pen? Могу ли я одолжить вашу ручку?

  5. Everyone learns best from his own value. Каждый учится лучше всего из своей собственной ценности.

  6. It’s a process of gradual development. Это процесс постепенного развития.

  7. If any of these symptoms add while you are taking the medicine (лекарство), consult your doctor. Если какой-либо из этих симптомов прибавится во время приема лекарства (лекарство), проконсультируйтесь с врачом.


  1. Sometimes changes are so slow and gradual that they are hard to notice

  2. Cultural change also occurs when different cultures interact with each other.

  3. The difference in culture is one of the reasons that leads to a change in culture over time.

  4. Often, when these imported elements are added to an existing culture, they are changed to better match the local culture.


  1. A number of Western cultures, including that of the United States, experienced rapid cultural changes in the late1960s, with the beginning of a mass youth culture. The youth challenged many of the values of their parents. This was expressed in radical changes in behaviour, dress, and music.

  2. A difference in values and behaviours may then be gradually taken up by other groups. In the case of youth culture , the values of that generation may become dominant over time as the group grows and takes power in the society

  3. The introduction of new technologies is also a major factor in cultural change. You can probably imagine some of the possible changes in behaviour that might happen when television or the telephone are introduced into a community for the first time.

  4. Cultural change also occurs when different cultures come into contact with one another, and then borrow from each other. They may exchange ideas, such as religious beliefs, or material artifacts, such as food or clothing.

  5. For example, the popular Italian food, spaghetti, is said to have had its origins in Chinese noodles, which were brought back to Italy from China by the Italian adventurer, Marco Polo in the late 12th century. Much later, in the early 20th century, spaghetti made its way into the American diet with the arrival of Italian immigrants to the United States.

Text 4. Subcultures

Culture is complex. We do not just belong to a single cultural group. Most of us belong to many. Each of these has its own values, beliefs, and behaviours. Sometimes the values, beliefs, and behaviours of one group conflict with those of another. A subculture is the culture of one group within a society. Subcultures are part of a larger culture but they differ from that larger culture in certain ways. For instance, they might differ in behaviours, language, religion, values, or norms.

Subcultures include various racial, religious, age, and economic groups. Belonging to more than one subculture can create some of the personal conflicts we face daily. A common example for young people is when the values of the youth subculture conflict with the values of another (for example, racial, religious, or economic) subculture.

The youth subculture is one of the largest subcultures in the United States today, and while it is recognizable subculture, it also represents many different influences. Within it we find distinct groups that are sometimes referred to as ‘tribes.‘ Sociologists suggest that teenagers have always been attracted to tribes as a way of expressing identity. What is interesting about the current youth subculture and its tribes, is that it is the first generation of youth to belong to global tribes; that is, the common features between members of these tribes have crossed national boundaries and have become global. A report based on interviews with 10,000 teenagers around the world found that teenagers from countries as different as China, India, Canada, and Costa Rica share common subcultures, based on globally broadcast television shows, movies, international pop music stars, video games, and international sporting heroes. This generation of youth is the first to really experience the global village. They are growing up with technology that keeps them in touch with global influences, in terms of clothing, music, attitudes, and activities.


  1. We do not just belong to a single cultural group.

  2. They might differ in behaviours, language, religion, values, or norms.

  3. Most of us have our own values, , beliefs , and behaviours.

  4. We find distinct groups that are sometimes referred to as ‘tribes.

  5. Sociologists suggest that teenagers have always been attracted to tribes as a way of expressing identity.

  6. Subcultures include various racial, religious, age, and economic groups.

№3. *- исправленные

  1. Most of us belong to many. *

  2. A subculture is the culture of one group within a society.*

  3. Subcultures include various professional, cultural, age, and economic groups.

  4. The youth subculture is one of the smallest subcultures in the world today.

  5. Sociologists suggest that teenagers have always been attracted to tribes as a way of expressing identity.*

  6. The common features between members of these tribes have become national.


  1. subculture is the culture of one group within a society.

  2. Subcultures are part of a larger culture but they differ from that larger culture in certain ways. For instance, they might differ in behaviours, language, religion, values, or norms.

  3. Subcultures include various racial, religious, age, and economic groups.

  4. The youth subculture is one of the largest subcultures in the United States today, and while it is recognizable subculture, it also represents many different influences. Within it we find distinct groups that are sometimes referred to as ‘tribes.‘

  5. Sociologists suggest that teenagers have always been attracted to tribes as a way of expressing identity.

  6. A report based on interviews with 10,000 teenagers around the world found that teenagers from countries as different as China, India, Canada, and Costa Rica share common subcultures, based on globally broadcast television shows, movies, international pop music stars, video games, and international sporting heroes.

занятие 1.06.20

  1. Go for a walk. The rain will stop and the sun will Shine

  2. If you help me, I can do this work well.

  3. I always get up at eight o'clock, but tomorrow I will get up a little later.

  4. What are you reading now? "I'm reading Tom's book. I'm in a hurry. Tom is coming soon and I want to finish reading the book before he comes.

  5. as soon as you see your friend, tell him that I want to see him.

  6. When I got home yesterday, my brother was sleeping.

  7. When will you come to us? “I'll be back tomorrow if I'm not busy.”

  8. I do not like apples.

  9. He will come home at five o'clock yesterday.

  10. I will call as soon as I arrive home tomorrow.

  11. I will show you my work if you like

  12. He should be home at six o’clock yesterday.

  13. Pete will surely help with your English if you ask him.

  14. This little boy has never seen a crocodile.

  15. Send me an email as soon as you arrive.

  16. He found out the results before we met.

  17. Did he hear the latest news?

  18. What did you do yesterday at five o'clock?

  19. We had a good time last summer.

  20. Autumn is ahead. This is November now. It gets colder, days get shorter. It often rains. Soon it’s very cold.

  21. When I did my homework yesterday, I quickly ran into the yard because my friends were waiting for me there.

  22. What did you learn today? - Sorry, I'm not doing anything. I was sick yesterday and did not know what to do. I will be ready with my homework tomorrow. - If you do not prepare it tomorrow, you will receive an abad mark.

  23. Mike always did his homework in the evening, but today he started doing it as soon as he comes from school, because his father promised to take him to the theater.

  24. When Mary returned home, her brother read the book she brought him two days ago


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