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Unit 5. The Blood
Lesson 12. Blood Groups

On completion of this lesson, you should be able to:

  • Name the main blood groups.

  • Explain the importance of each blood type.

  • Categorize antigens and antibodies involved in each blood type.

  • Describe physical characteristics of blood group.

  • Explain what determines the compatibility of blood types for transfusion.

  • Analyze, build, spell, and pronounce selected medical words.

    • Vocabulary

Learn the active vocabulary:

agglutination, n


склеювання; аглютинація

alive, adj



allele, n



antibody, n



antigen, n



block, v


загороджувати, перегороджувати; перешкоджати, блокувати

carbohydrate, n



clump, v


збирати в групу, склеюватися; злипатися

compatible, adj


сумісний; схожий

conceive, v


зачати, завагітніти

condition, n



delay, n


затримка; відстрочення

delivery, n


роди; пологи

destroy, v



detrimental, adj


збитковий; шкідливий

donate, v


дарувати; жертвувати

donor, n



eliminate, v


усувати, виключати; ліквідувати, знищувати

emergency, n


крайність; непередбачений випадок

erythroblastosis fetalis, n

[I"rITrqVblx'stqVsIs] [fI'txlIs]

підвищена кількість червоних кров’яних тілець у плоду чи новонародженої дитини; еритроблазмоз

foetus, n


плід; зародок; ембріон

foreign, adj



genetic, adj



glycolipid, n



glycoprotein, n


глікопротеїн (глікопротеїд)

haematology, n



immediate, adj



incompatible, adj


несумісний; несхожий

inherit, v





перемогти; побороти; подолати

preferable, adj


кращий; найкращий

pregnancy, n



recipient, n


одержувач; приймач

Rh (rhesus) factor, n

['rJsqs] ["fxktq]


transfusion, n


переливання (крові)

Vocabulary Practice

1. Translate and memorize the following words and phrases:

To be compatible with each other; to lead to blood clumping or agglutination; to depend on what you have inherited from your parents; to donate blood to individuals; to receive blood from; to occur during pregnancy; the recipient's blood; a dire emergency; an immediate transfusion; to be concerned with the study of blood groups; serious damage; the blood supply of mother and foetus.
2. Complete the sentences using one of the following medical terms. The first one has been done for you as an example.

reactions, antigen, medicines, rare, plasma, leukemia, clumping, donors, transfusion, rhesus, recipients, anemia, chemicals.

        1. Transfusion reactions involving minor antigens or weak antibodies may lead to minor problems.

        2. The two most significant blood group systems were discovered during early experiments with blood ________: the ABO group in 1901 and the Rhesus group in 1937.

        3. The most significant ________ antigen is the RhD antigen because it is the most immunogenic of the five main rhesus antigens.

        4. Across the world, blood products must be prescribed by a medical doctor (licensed physician or surgeon) in a similar way as _______.

        5. _______ blood types can cause supply problems for blood banks and hospitals.

        6. _______ from type AB can be given to A, B & O; plasma from types A & B can be given to O.

        7. _______ is a cancer of the blood or bone marrow.

        8. Mixing incompatible blood groups leads to blood ________.

        9. The Rh factor is another type of blood _______.

        10. The blood carries many _______, which have various functions.

        11. Individuals with blood type O negative blood are often called universal _______.

        12. Individuals with type AB positive blood are called universal _______.

        13. The red blood cell deficiency leads to _______, which may cause dyspnea.

3. Arrange the following words in pairs of synonyms and antonyms:







s ituate


r eceive














4. Find substitutes for the following word combinations. Then use them in the sentences of your own.

1. to possess (a characteristic) through genetic transmission

a. transfusion

2. the injection of blood, blood plasma, etc., into the blood vessels of a patient

b. antigen

3. any person who voluntarily gives blood, skin, a kidney etc., for use in the treatment of another person

c. antibody

4. abbreviation for rhesus

d. molecule

5. any of various proteins produced in the blood in response to the presence of an antigen

e. agglutination

6. the condition of being agglutinated; adhesion

f. compatible

7. a substance that stimulates the production of antibodies

g. donor

8. the flow of blood through the vessels of a living body

h. Rh

9. able to exist together harmoniously

i. inherit

10. incapable of being combined or used together; antagonistic

j. incompatible

11. the simplest unit of a chemical compound that can exist, consisting of two or more atoms held together by chemical bonds

k. bloodstream

12. to take (something offered) into one's hand or possession

l. receive













    • Reading and Comprehension

Read the text carefully to obtain detailed understanding of it.
A blood type is a description of certain characteristics of blood which depend on certain substances present on the surface of red blood cells. An Austrian scientist named Karl Landsteiner classified blood according to those differences and discovered ABO blood types. Two important classifications to describe blood types in humans are ABOand Rh factor. Blood transfusions from incompatible groups can cause an immunological “transfusion reaction”, resulting in hemolysis, anemia, renal failure, shock, and death.
A blood type (also called a blood group) is a classification of blood based on the presence or absence of inherited antigenic substances on the surface of red blood cells (RBCs). These antigens may be proteins, carbohydrates, glycoproteins or glycolipids, depending on the blood group system, and some of these antigens are also present on the surface of other types of cells of various tissues. Several of these red blood cell surface antigens, that stem from one allele (or very closely linked genes), collectively form a blood group system.

The blood carries many chemicals, which have various functions. One group of chemicals, called antigens, can stimulate the production of antibodies. The differences in human blood are due to the presence or absence of these protein molecules called antigens and antibodies. The antigens are located on the surface of the red blood cells and the antibodies are in the blood plasma. Individuals have different types and combinations of these molecules. Three of the most important human antigens are called A, B, and Rh. The A-B-O system of blood typing is based on the A and B antigens. The blood group you belong to depends on what you have inherited from your parents.

There are more than 20 genetically determined blood group systems known today, but the A-B-O and Rh systems are the most important ones for blood transfusions. Not all blood groups are compatible with each other. Mixing incompatible blood groups leads to blood clumping or agglutination, which is dangerous for individuals.
A-B-O System

A-B-O system is a means of classifying blood according to the antigens located on the surface of the erythrocytes. An individual’s erythrocytes may carry an A antigen, and B antigen, both A and B antigens, or no antigen at all. These antigen patterns are called A, B, AB, and O (null) respectively.

Figure 1. Blood types.
Blood group A

If you belong to the blood group A, you have A antigens on the surface of your red blood cells and B antibodies in your blood plasma. A group A individual can receive blood only from individuals of groups A or O (with A being preferable), and can donate blood to individuals of groups A or AB.

Blood group B

If you belong to the blood group B, you have B antigens on the surface of your red blood cells and A antibodies in your blood plasma. A group B individual can receive blood only from individuals of groups B or O (with B being preferable), and can donate blood to individuals of groups B or AB.

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