Ім'я файлу: Write task 1.docx
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Розмір: 13кб.
Дата: 18.03.2022
Пов'язані файли:
Господарське життя на укр землях у 14-15 ст.docx
Капелюхівська А.О. розвиток вокально-хорових здібностей.pdf
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Some people are constantly on the lookout for a girlfriend/boyfriend, whereas others claim that the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself.
And how does it work for you?

Talking about relationships is the as popular theme as talking about money. Each human just once in their life has been romantic relationship. Many people can`t imagine their life without love, married, children. But is it the necessary condition for happiness?

When we fall in love we feel like in heaven, then our mind recognizes this state and tries to keep it as long as possible. But unfortunately, the euphoria of love is short-lived, so a long happy relationship should contain much more than just sympathy.

For me, relationships mean warmth, shared leisure, understanding, and trust. But I believe that in order to achieve mutual understanding between partners, they must understand what they want and be able to express their opinions. Fear and complexes between people are caused by self-doubt, anxious thoughts, and suppression of their own interests. It can ruin even the strongest relationship. To avoid this, everyone needs to be in harmony with themselves, understand their desires, have a sense of self-worth, and be able to take responsibility for their lives. Sounds like a list of basic rules for every adult, doesn't it?

Unfortunately, many people try to ignore inner experiences and mask them with romantic relationships. However, this method is not effective, because it is not possible to build a healthy relationship with someone if you can not have them with yourself. For some reason, only now have people started talking about it en masse. Therefore, many marriages in a hurry have broken up and many people feel unhappy in their relationships and do not end them just to be afraid of being left alone. This is terrible.

Therefore, for me, the second part of the statement is correct. I believe that being in a good relationship with yourself and understanding yourself is the most important thing. If you are good with yourself, then others will feel good in your company. Self-love has many advantages. It promotes self-development, improved living standards, and inner peace. It is also obvious that healthy selfishness helps to develop harmonious relationships. Understanding yourself is a way to better understand the criteria for choosing a partner. As a result, the path of "trial and error" in a relationship may not be so long and painful.

So, truly the greatest love begins with self-love. And the best life can be lived if you build harmony with yourself.

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