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КР Принципи наукового дослідження.docx

Методична розробка з навчання

діалогічного мовлення для старших класів

Кисорець Діани ,12 Мд-СОукр


(“шлях знизу”)


  • Let's talk about professions.

-I want to become an English teacher. And you?
f.e(-I want to become an English teacher,too.

-I want to become a computer engineer.

-I want to become an international translator.)

  • Name a few things that are needed for your future profession.

(For example: -To become a computer engineer, I need to have a modern laptop and high-quality knowledge of informatics and information technologies.)

  • In your groups discuss your profession on following questions

-Why do you like your profession?

-Do you think it’s important? Why?

(Think about importance for you

For other people

For your country)

-What are your plans about your future work?

  • Tic Tac Toe Game

Divide the students into 2 teams according to the number "1,2" to play the tic-tac-toe game. All numbers 1 – crosses, 2 – zeros. Teams stand near the board, where the playing field is drawn, and receive tasks for opponents on tapes - sheets. For a correct answer, the team can place its mark on the field. A team begins with 5 tasks. The winner is determined according to standard rules.

Play the game Х-О answering questions of each other

1) very important for doing something – essential

2) the achievement of passing exams for a particular job – a qualification

3) to give something that is necessary (for studying for example) – to provide

4) when you did the same work earlier and now know a lot about it– experience

5) a short text which tells you some important information, usually used to announce an event or to seek for something or someone required – an advertisement

6) when you work all day long – full-time job

7) a kind of job where you get good money – well-paid job

8) to get money for some work – to earn

9) someone who pays others to work for him – an employer

  • Listen to this dialogue.

Job interview

A: Hello. I’m Simon Jones.

B: Nice to meet you, Simon. Take a seat and tell me something about yourself

A: Well, I’m 18, I’m a student, and I’m looking for a part-time job to help pay for university

B: I see. Why do you think you’ll be a good shop-assistant?

A: Well, I think I’m hardworking and honest. I also think I’m Friendly and would get along well with the customers.

B: Do you have any experience in this type of work?

A: Yes. I worked in a surf shop last summer. Here’s a letter of recommendation.

B: Oh, that’s great! If we offer you the job, when can you start?

A: I can start immediately.

B: OK, Simon. I think that’s all. I’ll be in touch

A: Thank you very much for your time.

  • Make a dialogue according to the following scheme:

A: Hello. I’m ____________

B: Nice to meet you, ____________. Take a seat and tell me something about yourself

A: Well, I’m ____, I’m a student, and I’m looking for a part-time job to help pay for university

B: I see. Why do you think you’ll be a good _______________?

A: Well, I think I’m _____________. I also think I’m ________ and would get along well with the customers.

B: Do you have any experience in this type of work?

A: Yes. I worked in a ____________ (last summer). Here’s a letter of recommendation.

B: Oh, that’s great! If we offer you the job, when can you start?

A: I can start immediately.

B: OK, __________. I think that’s all. I’ll be in touch

A: Thank you very much for your time.


  • Make up a dialogue on one of the topics :

  • "Dream profession"

  • "Hiring"

  • "Advantages and disadvantages of my profession"


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