Ім'я файлу: Our University.pptx
Розширення: pptx
Розмір: 888кб.
Дата: 22.01.2022
Пов'язані файли:
кошторис ніколіс.docx
доповідь до курсової.docx
Реферат харчування спортсменів — копия.docx
Реферат Экология — копия.docx
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Our University


Студент 1 курсу

Групи 13-ЗФ1

Зaгнiткo Влaдислaв

  • The campus with many study-buildings is very beautiful. Our University was founded in 1930 and in 2000 we celebrated its 70-th anniversary. Many foreign guests arrived in Kyiv to take part in our celebrations.
  • Our University actively collaborates with many Universities from different countries. Leading specialists of the University participate in international congresses, conferences and symposia exchanging their experience in the field of sport and physical culture.
  • As for the students of the University they study for 4 or 5 years. There are 3 main faculties at the University: Sports and Management Faculty, Health Faculty, Coaching Faculty and Correspondence Faculty.
  • Each academic year consists of 2 semesters. At the end of the term the students pass their credit- tests and exams and then have vacation. There are many departments in our University.
  • The teaching staff numbers 300 lecturers many of whom have academic degrees. The students study many subjects, such as: anatomy, physiology, theory of sport, phylosophy, foreign languages and many various kinds of sport.
  • All modern equipment and sports facilities are at students' disposal. There are some dormitories for non-residential students too. Many prominent sportsmen studied at our University, such as: S.Bubka, A.Volkov, A.Sidorenko, I.Deryugina and many others.
  • Thank you for the attention!


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