Ім'я файлу: Англійська конспект.docx
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Дата: 05.03.2024

11 клас

Робочий конспект № 1

Тема: Nature and environment.

Тема: Ecology

Навчальна мета: вивчити, які є національні парки і заповідники, прочитати та перекласти текст, вивчити новий лексичний матеріал, покращити навики говоріння, письма та сприймання іншомовного матеріалу на слух.

Розвивальна мета: розвинути мовлення, комунікативні вміння, мислення та вміння висловити свою думку.

Виховна мета: сформувати бажання вивчати англійську мову, виховати бажання берегти природу.

Очікувані результати: учні знають про флору і фауну нашої планети, можуть про них розповісти, сприймають інформацію на слух та відтворюють її, обмінюються новою інформацією між собою.

Обладнання: зошити, підручники, текст для читання, англо-український словник, карта України.

Тип уроку: урок вивчення нового матеріалу.

Основна література: Оксана Карпюк. Англійська мова (11-й рік навчання) (English (the 11th year of studies)) : підручник для 11 класу закладів загальної середньої освіти. Рівень стандарту. — Тернопіль : Астон, 2019. — 256 с. : іл.

Додаткова література: Англійська мова  (11-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту): підруч. для 11 кл. закл. загал. серед. освіти / Валентина Буренко. — Харків : Вид-во «Ранок», 2019. — 208 с. : іл.

Look deep into nature, and then

you will understand everything better.

Albert Einstein

Етапи і прийоми

Зміст роботи

Методичний коментар

І етап. Підготовка до сприймання іншомовного матеріалу.

І прийом. Привітання.

ІІ прийом. Повідомлення теми і мети уроку.

ІІІ прийом. Введення в іншомовне середовище.

Teacher: Good day children. Glad to see you. How are you?

Teacher: The topic of our lesson is «Nature and Environment».

Today we will talk about national parks and reserves. We will read and translate the text about nature reserves of Ukraine. We will work in groups and discuss important issues.

Teacher: What are your associations with the word «nature»?

And the motto of our lesson is the words: « Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better».

Do you agree with these words?

Підготовка до сприймання іншомовного матеріалу є важливим етап у проведенні уроку, адже це дає можливість учню увійти в інше мовне середовище, згадати вже вивчений матеріал, підготуватись до роботи на уроці.

ІІ етап. Актуалізація опорних знань

Teacher: Remember what you know about national parks and reserves. Match the halves of the sentences in both columns below.

1. A national park is a park

2. There is a common idea about national parks: the conservation of ‘wild nature’ for posterity and as a

3. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), has defined “National Park” as

4. National parks are almost always open to visitors

5. Most national parks are designed to educate the public on the importance of conservation

А) type of protected areas.

В) for outdoor recreation and camping opportunities.

С) for conservation purposes.

D) the natural wonders of the land in which the national park is located.

E) symbol of national pride.

Перед тим, як перейти до вивчення нового матеріалу важливо відновити вже знаний матеріал, для кращого осмислення і запам’ятовування нового матеріалу.

Робота з текстом

Т: Read and translate the article and find the territories of these habitats on the map of Ukraine.

Write, translate and learn unfamiliar words


Herbs of buffalo, wildebeest and zebras are roaming in the steppes of Kherson Region between Odessa and Crimea. Hey, what zebras? This is not Africa! Well, indeed – but it is really inside the 2300 hectare Askania Nova Reserve – the brainchild of a 19th century Odesa German who acted on his slightly mad idea of importing animals from different continents to this unique natural steppe.

In addition to the above-mentioned species, the reserve boasts Przevalski horses from Mongolia, camels, Central Asian saiga antelopes and all types of birds, from pink flamingos to rare steppe eagles. But perhaps the main attraction here is the virgin steppe – flat as a skating rink. Apart from its zoo and gardens, the reserve is closed to visitors for most of summer because of steppe fire danger. So late spring and early autumn are the best times to take a safari in a horse-drawn cart.

Another large chunk of virgin steppe that you admire is actually out in the Black sea. The isle of Dzharylhach is separated from the mainland by a narrow strait. It is also teeming with all kinds of wildlife – though, admittedly not African, which makes it all the more authentic. Dzharylhach and its bay is part of the Dzharylhach National Nature Park. Its area of 56 square km and length of 42 km make it the Black Sea’s biggest island. It has clean sandy beaches and mineral springs. In the middle of the island there is a fresh water spring, and more than four hundred small salty lakes are scattered all over its territory. The unique flora and fauna of Dzharylhach have been well preserved. It is a habitat for wild boars, deer, mouflon, as well as numerous seagulls and cormorant, hunting crabs, raps whelk and shrimp.

The Shatskiy National Nature Park lies 160 km northwest of Lutsk in the corner between Belarus and Poland, and has some 200 lakes, rivers and streams. Shatsky National Natural Park was established in 1983 and aimed to preserve, reconstitute and to use effectively Volyn Polissia natural complexes and objects of special evironmental, recreational, educational and aesthetic value.

The park is located on the territory of Shatsk Region in northwest part of Volyn Oblast. The general area of the park is 490 square kilometres. Two ecological paths, Svitiazianka and Lisova Pisnia, are working in the Shatsk NNP. Shatsk lake group is one of the biggest in Europe. On its territory there are more than thirty lakes of varying sizes. Their total area is almost 70 square kilometers. They constitute one of the biggest European groupings of lakes. Among them is Svitiaz, the deepest lake in Ukraine.

Forests occupy 52.5% of general park area. According to the Ramsar Water and Moor Protection agreement, the Shatsk lakes’ lands, which are situated between the Prypiat and the western Bug, are considered to be one of the most important areas in Ukraine. In this territory, migrating birds can find places for their reproduction as well as food and rest on their way from the north to warmer countries.

The national park together with the local administration, manage the main nature protection tasks. Due to these achievements, the park was included in the World Network of Biosphere Reserves (as West Polesie Transboundary Biosphere Reserve) within the frameworks of the UNESCO “Man and the Biosphere Programme” on April 30, 2002. By this act, the Shats’k lakes were referred to as some of the most precious complexes of the Earth. In Ukraine, Svitiaz Lake is considered to be one of the Seven Natural Wonders of Ukraine.

In the Shatsk Lakes territory, 1180 species of plants belonging to 124 families are found. Pine and blueberry forests dominate the territory of the park. Alder and birch forests grow in the lowlands.

Fauna is represented by typical woodlands species: elk, wild boar, roe deer, rabbits, squirrels. 332 vertebrate species have been noted in the park: 55 mammals, 241 birds, 7 amphibians, and 29 fish, which represent 11 families.

Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, Europe’s largest wetland, and the 4th part of it is located in Ukraine’s far southwest where the Danube dumps water and silt into the Black Sea. Few make the effort to reach this far-flung wedge of fertile territoty, but those who do are rewarded with astoundingly beautiful scenery, colourful birdlife, and serene evenings in drowsy Vylcovo, fancifully nicknamed the ‘Ukrainian Venice’ thanks to its network of canals.

Carpathian Biosphere Reserve was declared a Unesco Biosphere reserve in 1992. This protected area is made up of six separate locations, four of which can be found around Rakhiv. Some 90% of the reserve is made up of virgin forest, home to rare flora and fauna. The Museum of Forest Ecology stands on the hill behind the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve headquarters building. The exhibition is very informative, rich and colourful.

Carpathian National Natural Park is the largest national park, which was founded in 1980. It covers 503 sq km of wooded mountains and hills, but only about a quarter of the area is completely protected.

Parts of it shelter small numbers of animals and alpine meadows are carpeted with species of fl ora. A special gift of nature is that the National Park – is a source of mineral water of different types, that’s why many objects in it are closely related to recreational and medicinal activities here.

Читання і переклад є важливим елементом у вивченні іноземної мови. Читаючи ви розвиваєте усне мовлення, запам’ятовуєте правильне написання слів, лексичні конструкції та ідіоми, розширюєте лексичний запас слів та покращуєте навички швидкого перекладу.

Робота в групах

Teacher: In groups discuss the question. Why are the national parks important? Use the phrases from the box below.

  • unique wildlife

  • protection of biodiversity

  • conservation effort

  • to protect the best of our natural heritage

  • to form economic and social wellbeing

  • to deliver invaluable economic, social, cultural and health benefi ts

  • to provide safe environments in which animals and plants can survive and thrive, to provide life-sustaining services vital for the wellbeing of our environment and society

learner 1: National parks are important because they unique wildlife…

learner 2: Вecause they protect the biodiversity of nature….

learner 3: National parks help in the formation of economic and social wellbeing…

learner 4: National parks provide a safe environment in which animals and plants can survive and thrive, providing life-sustaining services vital to the well-being of our environment and society…

learner 5: National parks help protect the best of our natural heritage…

Робота в групах дає можливість розкритися кожному учневі, висловити свою думку. Групова робота зближує учнів класу та сприяє позитивному клімату в класі.

Дані питання націлені на розвиток мислення та мовлення.

Домашня робота

Work in groups. Search for the information and prepare a presentation about one of the national parks of Ukraine. Use slides with images or design a poster

Завдяки домашній роботі учні закріплюють вивчений матеріал на уроці.

Методичний коментар: Даний урок є вступним у вивченні теми «Екологія», всі завдання спрямовані на ознайомлення зі змістом нової теми, вивчення нового лексичного матеріалу та підготовки до ґрунтовної роботи по темі «Екологія».

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