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Дата: 24.12.2023


Демонстраційного уроку з англійської мови в 10-му класі по темі:

“Communication Technologies in our life”

Тип уроку: комбінований

Мета: Перевірити знання учнів по темі “Communication Technologies”. Вчити аналізувати вивчений матеріал, робити висновки. Продовжувати формувати навички комунікативного діалогічного та монологічного мовлення. Вчити працювати в групах. Формувати навички читання, аудіювання та письма. Розвивати критичне мислення учнів та мовну здогадку. Виховувати стриманість та толерантне ставлення один до одного, прищеплювати культуру користування компьютерами.

Обладнання: презентація до уроку з матеріалами для аудіювання, роздатковий матеріал (завдання з аудіювання, анкети для проведення опитування, матеріали для читання), підручник, робочий зошит, дошка .


І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення:

1. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу (Warm-up): (слайд 1)

T: Good afternoon, students! How are you today? At the lesson today we’re going to speak about communication technologies and their role in our everyday life. You’ll do a lot of interesting exercises and we’ll discuss the pros and cons of computers. Also you you’ll listen about a person who changed the world of computers. First of all I would like you to define the word ‘computer’. On the screen you can see the definition of the word ‘computer’ and I’d like you to put the words of definition into the correct order to make the definition correct. (слайд 2)

ІІ. Основна частина уроку:

  1. Vocabulary:

1) T: As you know, communication technologies are not only computers. They also mean a lot of different things. Now your task is to match the names of technologies with the pictures. (слайд 3)

2) T: You’ve done the work very well. And now I’d like to know how you understand meanings of these words. I’ll read you the definitions and your task is to guess the word.

Match the vocabulary with the correct definition and write a–j next to the numbers 1–10.

1. …

An electronic machine. You use it for going on the internet, storing information and playing games.



2. …

An electronic letter.



3. …

You can play this on the computer for fun.



4. …

You use this to write on a computer. It has letters or characters on.



5. …

A computer that you can travel with.



6. …

Your personal telephone.



7. …

You use this to move and click on a computer.



8. …

The part of your computer where you see the pictures or words.



9. …

Google, YouTube and Wikipedia are types of …



10. …

Internet connection without wires or cables.



3) T: I see you know these words quite well. And now there is one more vocabulary exercise. Now let’s check how you can combine the words. Look at the screen! Your task is to match the words to make up word combinations:

  1. an email a) information

  2. a computer b) Web

  3. a search c) address

  4. save d) technologies

  5. a personal e) an email message

  6. World Wide f) screen

  7. surf g) online games

  8. web h) engine

  9. download i) computer

10) communication j) the document

11) send k) the Internet

12) play l) site

  1. Grammar

T: When we speak about computers and communication technologies we should know a lot of different phrasal verbs. And now let’s revise them. Tell me, please, what is the English for? :

  • зробити резервну копію;

  • ввійти в акаунт;

  • прокрутити вниз;

  • взломати систему компьютера;

  • прокрутити вниз;

  • відключити до електромережі;

  • вийти з акаунту;

  • натиснути на кнопку миші.

T: Now you have copies with the task. Your task is to complete the sentences with the suitable phrasal verbs from the box. You have three minutes for this task. (додаток 1)

  1. Listening

T: When we think and speak about awesome inventions, like a computer, we certainly associate them with the people who invented them. Tell me please, do you know?

  • Who is a founder of the social networking site Facebook? (Mark Zuckerberg)

  • Who founded Microsoft Corporation? (Bill Gates)

  • And what do you know about Steve Jobs?

Let’s listen about this famous man. Listen to the story and choose a correct answer for each question. You’ll listen to the text twice. Now you have 30 seconds to look at the questions. (додаток 2)

  1. Discussion:

T: Of course, a computer is a great invention of the mankind. But, as you know, nothing is perfect. Let’s speak about advantages and disadvantages of computers.

  • What are the advantages of computers?

  • What disadvantages of computers can you name?

  1. Reading:

T: As you see, a computer can be not only a friend. It can also become a real enemy. And so is the Internet. Now we are going to work with a text. Read the title first and say what do you think this text is about? Now you have to read a text and do the task after the text. Choose the correct item. Work in pairs. You have 5 minutes.

(додаток 3)

  1. Survey:

T: As you have understood from the text spending too much time with a computer or on the Internet maybe very dangerous. Now let’s find out what kind of a computer user you are. Let’s divide into three groups. I suggest you to conduct a small survey. In each group answer a set of questions I have prepared for you. Try to answer all the questions honestly.

T: Now I suggest you to make conclusions. What have you found out about your classmates? (додаток 4)
ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку:

  1. Home assignment:

T: Our lesson is coming to its end. And the home task for the next lesson is exercise 13 page 58 in your Workbooks. You should answer the questions using phrasal verbs.

  1. Signing off:

T: You have been very active today. And your marks for the lesson are…

T: At the end of the lesson I would like you to think out two quotes you can see on the board:

  • Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master. (Christian Lous Lange)

  • One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men. No machine can do the work of one extraordinary man. (Elbert Hubbard)

T: So, I wish you to be extraordinary
Дотаток 1

log on back up scroll up click on

plug in log out hack into scroll down

  1. If you don’t want to lose your project you should ______ _____ the files.

  2. After you decide which products to buy, _____ ____ the ‘pay now’ button.

  3. The information is at the top of the page. You need to ____ ___.

  4. Don’t forget to ______ ____ of the facebook account when you’re using a public computer.

  5. The information is at the button of the page. You need to ____ ____.

  6. My battery is dead. Where can I ______ _____ my laptop.

  7. I’ve forgotten my password so I can’t _____ ____ to my account.

  8. Someone tried to ______ _____ the computer system of the bank and steal the money.

Додаток 2

1. The article is about the Apple Computer company.
(a) TRUE
(c) It doesn’t say.
2. When was Steve Jobs born?
(a) 1974
(b) 1955
(c) 1964
3. He made his own televisions as a boy because his family was poor.
(a) TRUE
(c) It doesn’t say.
4. Why didn’t Steve Jobs study in grade five in school?
(a) He studied very hard.
(b) He thought it was too difficult.
(c) He didn’t know what to do with his life.
5. Steve Jobs never graduated from high school.
(a) TRUE
(c) It doesn’t say.
6. When did Steve Jobs make Apple Computer company?
(a) 1976
(b) 1974
(c) 1975
7. What was the name of Steve Jobs’ wife?
(a) Atari
(b) Steve
(c) It doesn’t say.
8. When did Steve Jobs die?
(a) 2003
(b) 1991
(c) 2011

Додаток 3

Додаток 4

Student 1


Student 2


Student 3


Student 4


Student 5


Do you often use a computer while you are doing your homework?

Are you a member of any social networking sites? (Facebook, VK, etc.)

Do you often play online games more than 2 hours at a time?

Do you buy anything on the Internet? What?

Do you chat online with your friends? How often?

Do you think TV is better than the Internet?

Are you often online more than 5 hours per day?

Give the conclusion about the students of your group:

We found out that…

  • students of our group often use a computer while they do their homework.

  • students are the members of social networking sites.

  • students often play online games more than 2 hours at a time.

  • students buy online: clothes,…

  • students chat online with their friends regularly

  • students don’t think that TV is better than the Internet

  • students are often online more than 5 hours per day


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