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Дата: 06.02.2021

3 11 19 The Western experience

Task I.

  1. The Western experience of industrialization was the model for world industrialization, was not it? Yes, Western experience of industrialization was the model for world industrialization.

2. What did to become modern mean for many countries? To become modern was to become something like Western industrial society.

3. What was the viable form of society in modern world? The only viable form of society in the modern world was industrial society

4. Who could be the active agents in the world system? Only industrial societies could be active agents in the world system

5. How were other countries (not active agents) called? Other countries (not active agents) called clients or dependents.

6. When did Japan rise thru industrialization? In the mid-19th century, Japan rose through industrialization.

7. Is there the only route to modernity? No, there are several routes to modernity.

8. What was the basis for industrialization in Britain and the USA ? The basis for industrialization in Britain and the USA was laid the individual entrepreneur and the free market economy.

9. What did the political elites do in the interests of native industry? Political elites in the interests of native industry played a major role, organizing credit, coordinating and planning development, and restricting foreign access to home markets.

10. Who were informally called clients of Western powers? Non-Western societies informally called clients of Western powers

Task II.

If a computer language didn't use a metaphor, it wouldn't be so fun and interesting.

Young web users are very different from solid businessmen in suits.

I would like you to change wallpapers on the desktop.

He's looking for errors in different programs for 10 years. A real computer plowman!

He declared, that traditional mail never would be fully transferable electronic

  1. Якби у комп’ютерній мові не використовувалася метафора, вона не була б такою веселою та цікавою.

  2. Молоді користувачі мережі дуже відрізняються від солідних бізнесменів у костюмах.

  3. Я б хотів, щоб ви змінили „шпалери” на робочому столі.

  4. Він шукає помилки у різних програмах вже 10 років. Справжній комп’ютерний плугатар!

  5. Він заявив, що традиційна пошта ніколи не буде повністю замінена електронною.

  6. Ця обчислювальна система використовується вже багато років.

  7. Він зміг би побудувати цю машину ще 170 років тому, якби в нього було достатньо грошей.

  8. Біл Гейтс розробив комп’ютерну мову для ранньої версії персонального комп’ютера.

  9. Чому перші комп’ютери були таки великі, що займали всю кімнату?

  10. Ми спостерігали, як він грав у нову комп’ютерну гру.

1.if a computer language didn't use a metaphor, it wouldn't be so fun and interesting.

2. Young netizens are very different from solid businessmen in suits.

3. I would like you to change the "Wallpaper" on your desktop.

4. It has been searching for errors in various programs for 10 years. A real computer Plowman!

5. He stated that traditional mail will never be completely replaced by electronic mail.

6. This computer system has been used for many years.

7. He could have built this car 170 years ago if he had enough money.

8. bill gates developed a computer language for an early version of the personal computer.

9. Why were the first computers so large that they took up the entire room?

10. We watched him play a new computer game.

2 10 18 There are hundreds of millions

Task I.

1. What is server? Servers are computers similar tofiling cabinets that simply store information and pass it on when requested.

2. How many types of servers? There are three types of servers: file servers, mail servers, Web servers.

3. What are the servers?

4. Who is a client? A computer that gets information from a server is called a client

5. Who are peers? When two computers on the Internet swap information back and forth on a more-or-less equal basis, they are known as peers.

6. What is called peer-to-peer (P2P) communication? peer-to-peer (P2P) communication is use an instant messaging program to chat to a friend, and swapping party photos back and forth

7. When computers swap over roles? your computer is the server and the friend's computer is the. If your friend sends you a photo in return, the two computers swap over roles.

8. What is router? Routers is intermediate computers, whose job is really just to make connections between different systems.

9. Whose job is really just to make connections between different systems? Routers

10What is the Internet? The Internet is a collection of standalone computers all loosely linked together, mostly using the telephone network.

Task II.

1. Незважаючи на лібералізацію грошової політики, приватне кредитування залишається на низькому рівні.

2. Вражений роботою учня, учитель дав йому найвищу оцінку.

3. На наш сайт учасники не можуть надсилати образливі повідомлення та непотрібну рекламну інформацію.

4. Часто нові працівники проходять випробувальний термін.

5. Ніхто не знав, що примусило їх змінити їхні плани.

6. Він сказав, що новий портативний комп’ютер дає змогу зберігати фотографії, оплачувати рахунки, отримувати останні новини.

7. Гроші можуть бути спрямовані на прямий дебет.

8. Він не може користуватися локальною мережею. У нього немає доступу до конфіденційної інформації.

9. В основному ми користуємося мультимедійними програмами, що зберігаються на компактних дисках.

10. Якби я знав як створювати гіперпосилання на минулому тижні, я б отримав відмінну атестаційну оцінку з інформатики.
1. Despite the easing of monetary policy, private lending remains at a low level.

2. Impressed with the student's work, the teacher gave him the highest rating.

3. On our site participants may not send offensive messages and unwanted advertising information.

4. Often, new employees undergo a probationary period.

5. No one knew what made them change their plans.

6. He said that the new laptop computer makes it possible to store photos, pay bills, and get the latest news.

7. Money can be sent to a direct debit.

8. He can't use the local network. He doesn't have access to confidential information.

9. We mainly use the multimedia programs stored on compact disks.

10. If I knew how to create hyperlinks last week, I would have given an excellent rating certification in computer science.

5 13 Technology — including mobile

1. What is our most precious commodity?

Time our most precious commodity

2. What changed the way of our consumption and communication? Technology has fundamentally changed the way of our consumption and communication.

3. What will personal assistants help us with?

personal digital assistants anticipate our needs, help manage our schedule, prepare us for meetings, plan our social lives, reply to and route communications, and drive cars.

4. What are the areas AI will enable advances?

healthcare, agriculture, education and transportation

5. When will it occur?

It's already happening. ( Ін 2038)

6. Why do techs need to work closely with different society institutions?

To answer the tough questions listed in the text

7. What are the six principles of Microsoft?

faimess, reliability and safety, privacy and security, inclusivity, transparency, and accountability

8. What for are these principles needed?

to guide the cross disciplinary development and use of artificial intelligence

9. According to which rules should the AI be governed?

AI must be governed by social rules

10. What has new technology risen over the past twenty years?

7 15.Too many enterprises

  1. What are SIEM tools unable to keep pace with? traditional tools unable to keep pace with

  2. . What does the cloud enable? The cloud enables a new class of intelligent security technologies

  1. . What does MS Azure Sentinel enable? Azure Sentinel enables you to protect your entire organization

  1. . What does MS Azure Sentinel help to reduce noise with? AI help to reduce noise

  2. . Why can you benefit from MS Azure Sentinel?

  1. . What is the greatest advantage of MS Azure Sentinel? Azure Sentinel reduces threat hunting from hours to seconds.

  2. . What does the MS Threat Expert provide?

provides managed hunting to extend the capability of your security operations center team

  1. . What will MS do with the help of Threat Expert?

Microsoft will proactively hunt over your anonymized security data for the most important threats

  1. . What are the most important threats in the field of cyber security?

  1. How can MS Threat Expert help company The service provides world-class expertise on demand.

  1. Програмне забезпечення ціеї компанії може допомогти у боротьбі з тероризмом, фінансовим шахрайством та іншими видами кіберзлочинності. 2 Ця фірма-найдешевший Інтернет-провайдер в нашій країні. 3. Якби компанія отримала кредит у минулому році, вона б розробила нові чіпи, що зберігають важливу фінансову та персональну інформацію. 4 Чим більшим та чіткішим є зображення, тим важче з ним працювати. s. Я б хотів, щоб студенти використовували сучасні інформаційні технології для підготовки мультимедійних презентацій та доповідей. 6. Якби в нашому гуртожитку був 1нтернет, було б значно легше готуватися до занять га спілкуватися з іноземними студентами. 7. Мультимедійні пристрої дозволяють нам працювати з різними видами графіки та звуку. 8 Він заявив, що традиційна пошта ніколи не буде повністю замінена електронною. 9. Науковці користуються Інтернетом як засобом навчання вже понад 20 років. 10. Я спостерігав за тим, як він переміщував документ з однієї папки до іншої.

  2. Task II. Translate from Russian into English 1. The company's software can help fight terrorism, financial fraud, and other types of cybercrime. 2 This company is the cheapest Internet provider in our country. 3.If the company had received a loan last year, it would have developed new chips that store important financial and personal information. 4 the larger and clearer the image, the more difficult it is to work with. s. I would like students to use modern information technologies to prepare multimedia presentations and reports. 6.If our hostel had 1nternet, it would be much easier to prepare for classes and communicate with foreign students. 7. Multimedia devices allow us to work with various types of graphics and sound. 8 he stated that traditional mail will never be completely replaced by electronic mail. 9. Scientists have been using the Internet as a learning tool for more than 20 years. 10. I watched him move a document from one folder to another.

8 Customers are leveraging Microsoft

1. Does the leverage of MS technology have any result for businesses?


2. What do Buhler implement MS block chain technology for? to improve global food safety standards and reduce food poisoning rates, while increasing production efficiencies

3. Do Buhler increase the productivity level implementing block chain tech? No

4. What did Electrolux launch? Electrolux launched a new Azure IoT smart connected air purifier and app in a matter of weeks with minimal R&D time.

5. What does Pure A9 do? The Pure A9 removes ultra-fine dust particles, pollutants, bacteria, allergens and bad odors from indoor rooms.

6. What process did Siemens Gamesa upgrade? Siemens Gamesa upgrade autonomous drone-digital process

7. Why are the manual methods worse than those which are automated? Because automated methods greatly expedite the process ( to 34 seconds, as opposed to 4 to 6 hours using the manual method)

8. What can clients get from a spectroscopy measurement and data sharing? clients get invaluable insights about their products and production

9. Where can this solution be implemented? The solution can be implemented in food production processes

10. What does a spectroscopy measurement and data sharing solution enable the production managers? combining ZEISS with Microsoft to create a solution (which connects the compact universal spectrometer ZEISS Corona with Microsoft Azure)

  1. Я б хотів, щоб студенти використовували сучасні інформаційні технології для підготовки мультимедійних презентацій та доповідей.

  2. Якби в нашому гуртожитку був Інтернет, було б значно легше готуватися до занять га спілкуватися з іноземними студентами.

  3. Університети повинні створювати всі умови для розвитку дистанційного та безперервного навчання.

  4. Лекції цього відомого професора були розміщені на Інтернет-сторінці нашого університету, то ж ми маємо цілодобовий доступ до матеріалів.

  5. Які нові можливості надає використання сучасних мультимедійних пристроїв вищим навчальним закладам?

  6. Ця компанія виробляє найбільш компактні та швидкі сканери, які користуються

  7. величезним попитом на ринку.

  8. Наші комп’ютерні системи розроблені для того, щоб працювати з цифровими портативними відеокамерами.

  9. Якщо ви не знаєте, який модем купити, ми надамо вам необхідну інформацію безкоштовно.

  10. До появи оптичних дисків люди зберігали інформацію на магнітних плівках.

1. I would like students to use modern information technology to prepare multimedia presentations and reports. 2.If our hostel had Internet access, it would be much easier to prepare for classes and communicate with foreign students. 3. Universities should create all conditions for the development of distance and continuing education. 4. the lectures Of this famous Professor were posted on the website of our University, so we have round-the-clock access to the materials. 5. What new opportunities does the use of modern multimedia devices provide for higher education institutions? 6. This company produces the most compact and fast scanners that use 7. huge demand in the market. 8. Our computer systems are designed to work with portable digital video cameras. 9. If you do not know which modem to buy, we will provide you with the necessary information for free. 10. Before the advent of optical disks, people stored information on magnetic films

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