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Розмір: 26кб.
Дата: 30.04.2022

1. Complete the sentences using the Past Perfect Continuous Tense.

Example: ... before we came from the supermarket. Liz/ to clean/the flat/for two hours.

– Liz had been cleaning the flat for two hours before we came from the supermarket.

1) ... before Tom came to the court. Helen/to play/tennis/for an hour and a half.

2) ... before he retired. Mr Black/to work /as a lawyer/for twenty-five years.

3) ... when the bus arrived. We/ to wait/for forty minutes.

4) Sheila looked tired because ... . She/to sew/a dress/for her little daughter/all


5) Before Jack got to level four ...... He/to play/the same game/for three hours.

6) Mike's neighbours were angry because ... . He/to listen/to loud music /for

four hours/yesterday evening.

7) Everybody was very hungry because ... . They/to work/all day/without/a break for lunch.

8) ... when suddenly the car broke down. We/ to drive/for five hours.

9) ... before the plane landed in the airport late in the evening yesterday. They/to fly/for six hours.

10) ... since Easter, Alex and Den/to prepare/for the exams.

1. Доповніть речення, використовуючи Past Perfect Continuous Tense.

Приклад: ... до того, як ми прийшли з супермаркету. Ліз/ прибирати/квартиру/на дві години.

– Ліз прибирала квартиру дві години до того, як ми прийшли з супермаркету.

1) ... до того, як Том прийшов до суду. Хелен/грати/теніс/півтори години.

2) ... до виходу на пенсію. Містер Блек/працювати /адвокатом/двадцять п’ять років.

3) ...коли приїхав автобус. Нам / чекати / сорок хвилин.

4) Шейла виглядала втомленою, тому що ... . Їй/пошити/сукню/доньці/всі


5) Перш ніж Джек досяг четвертого рівня ...... Він / грати / в ту саму гру / протягом трьох годин.

6) Сусіди Майка розсердилися, бо ... . Він/слухати/голосну музику/за

чотири години/вчора ввечері.

7) Усі були дуже голодні, тому що ... . Вони/на роботу/цілий день/без/перерви на обід.

8) ... коли раптом машина зламалася. Ми/ їхати/п’ять годин.

9) ... до того, як літак приземлився в аеропорту вчора пізно ввечері. Вони/літати/шість годин.

10) ... з Великодня, Олексій і День/готуватися/до іспитів.

4. Перекладіть англійською.

а) Я чекала його вже 40 хвилин, коли він нарешті прийшов.

б) Кли вони прийшли на вечірку, всі гості розішлись по будинкам.

в) Оля не сказала мені, що минулого вівторка вона бачилась з моїм братом. г) Виявилось, вона працювала вже чотири години, перед тим як керівник

помітив її.

д) Майк вже навчився читати, коли йому виповнилося 5 років.

е) Дівчина була вся мокрою. Напевно, вона плавала.

ж) До кінця року народ обрав нового президента.

a) I had been waiting for him for 40 minutes when he finally came.

b) When they came to the party, all the guests went home.

c) Olya didn't tell me that she saw my brother last Tuesday. d) It turned out that she had been working for four hours before being the head

noticed her.

e) Mike learned to read when he was 5 years old. f) The girl was all wet. She must have been swimming.

g) By the end of the year, the people elected a new president.


a) I had been waiting for him for 40 minutes when he finally arrived.

b) When they arrived at the party, all the guests had gone home.

c) Olga didn't tell me that she had seen my brother last Tuesday.

d) It turned out that she had been working for four hours before the supervisor

noticed her.

e) Mike had already learned to read when he turned five. f) The girl was all wet. She must have been swimming.

g) Before the end of the year the people had elected a new president.

a) I had been waiting for him for 40 minutes, when he finally came.

b) When they came to the party, all the guests went home.

c) Olya did not tell me that last Tuesday she saw my brother.

d) It turned out that she had already been working four hours before the manager

noticed her.

e) Mike had already learned to read when he was five years old.

f) The girl was all wet. She probably swam.

g) By the end of the year, the people have elected a new president.


3. Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, или Present Perfect Continuous. Настоящее простое, Настоящее продолжительное, Настоящее совершенное или Настоящее совершенное непрерывное.

1. Я вже три дні про це думаю. 2. Моя сестра п’є каву с молоком. А я завжди віддавав перевагу чорній каві. 3. Ми дуже раді вас бачити. Ми вас чекали цілий місяць. 4. Ви все ще читаєте цю книгу? Скільки часу ви її вже читаєте? 5. Моя сестра займається музикою вже п’ять років. 6. Я шукаю тебе весь вечір. Де ти був весь цей час? 7. Вони пишуть твір вже дві години. 8. Ми знаємо один одного вже чотири роки. 9. Я завжди хотів вивчати англійську мову. 10. Де Ніна? – Вона вже "дві години вдома. 11. Де діти? – Вони все ще грають на подвір’ї. 12. Мій брат вже три роки інженер. 13. Мій друг знає англійську з дитинства. 14. Я вже пів години спостерігаю за тобой. 15. Ваш брат ще хворий? – Ні, він вже поправився. Він вже три дні займається фізикою. Він хоче отримати відмінну оцінку на екзамені.

1. I've been thinking about this for three days. 2. My sister drinks coffee with milk. And I always preferred black coffee. 3. We are very glad to see you. We have been waiting for you for a whole month. 4. Are you still reading this book? How long have you been reading it? 5. My sister has been involved in music for five years. 6. I've been looking for you all evening. Where have you been all this time? 7. They have been writing for two hours. 8. We have known each other for four years. 9. I always wanted to learn English. 10. Where is Nina? "She's been home for two hours. 11. Where are the children? - They're still playing in the yard. 12. My brother has been an engineer for three years. 13. My friend has known English since childhood. 14. I've been watching you for half an hour." 15. Is your brother still sick? "" No, he's recovered. He's been in physics for three days. He wants to get an excellent grade on the exam.

1. I've been thinking about it for three days now. 2. My sister drinks coffee with milk. I've always preferred black coffee. 3. We're very happy to see you. We've been waiting for you for a whole month. 4. Are you still reading this book? How long have you been reading it? 5. My sister has been studying music for five years now. 6. I've been looking for you all evening. Where have you been all this time? 7. They've been writing a piece for two hours. 8. We've known each other for four years. 9. I have always wanted to learn English. 10. Where is Nina? - She's already 'home for two hours. 11. Where are the children? - They're still playing in the yard. 12. My brother has been an engineer for three years now. 13. My friend has known English since he was a child. 14. I have been watching you for half an hour 15. Is your brother still sick? - No, he has already recovered. He has been studying physics for three days. He wants to get an excellent mark in the exam.

1. I've been thinking about this for three days. 2. My sister drinks coffee with milk. And I have always preferred black coffee. 3. We are very glad to see you. We've been waiting for you for a whole month. 4. Are you still reading this book? How long have you been reading? 5. My sister has been studying music for five years. 6. I've been looking for you all evening. Whre was you all this time? 7. They've been writing for two hours. 8. We've known each other for four years. 9. I've always wanted to learn English. 10. Where is Nina? - She's already "two o'clock at home. 11. Where are the children? - They are still playing in the yard. 12. My brother is an engineer for three years. 13. My friend has known English since childhood. 14. I have been watching you for half an hour 15. Is your brother still ill? "No, he's already recovered. He's been studying physics for three days now. He wants to get an excellent mark on the exam."


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