Ім'я файлу: - Конспект уроку з англійської мови у 4 класі на тему «Weather a
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4 клас

Тема: «Weather and clothes»

Тип уроку: узагальнення вивченого

Цілі: закріпити лексику з теми «weather and clothes», тренувати у вживанні безособових речень It is.


Освітні: формувати навички розуміння лексичних одиниць з теми і вміння їх використовувати в заданій ситуації, закріпити ЛО по темі «Погода і одяг», відпрацювати у використанні безособових речень It is…

Розвиваючі: розвинути навички говоріння, аудіювання, читання, письма з теми "weather and clothes; розвити увагу та мислення.

Виховні: виховувати любов до природи, культуру спілкування, уміння працювати в парах, групах, самостійно.

Обладнання: картки із зображенням погоди і одягу, дошка, мультимедійный проектор, портативна колонка с USB-флеш-носієм, відео презентація.

Хід уроку:

І. Introduction. Організаційний момент:

  1. Greeting. Привітання і бесіда з черговим

T: Who is on duty today?

P: I am on duty today. Today is… All are present.

1.2 Бесіда про погоду

T: Look through the window!

What is the weather like today?

Why do you think so?

What season is it now?

Do you like this weather?

  1. Aim. Повідомлення теми і цілей уроку

T: Today we have an unusual lesson because the teachers are invited at our lesson and they will be our guests. So, we are going to talk about seasons and the weather.

When the Englishmen meet they always talk about the weather. That’s why you must be good at discussion the weather.

  1. Warming up. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу

T : It’s no secret that our mood depends on the weather. I want you to feel happy all the time. So have a look at the screen please and think about what makes you happy. I give you 1 minute.

Ps: I’m happy because

I have a family (friends, toys, a dog…)

I can ride my bike (draw very well, travel, cook,

help my mum, be a good friend…)

T: Excellent!

II. The main part of the lesson. Основна частина уроку

  1. Phonetics. Фонетична зарядка

T: Let’s train our tongues to speak English well. Look at the screen and repeat after me.

[t] hot, frost, hat

[ɔ:] fall, all, autumn

[d] dry, dress, cloud

[w] wet, windy, warm

[˄] sun, summer, run

[ɳ] spring, skating, playing

  1. Speaking. Мовленнєва зарядка

T: Now answer my questions

What season is it now?

What month is it now?

How many seasons are there in a year?

How many months are there in a year?

What are the winter months?

What are the summer months?

Name the spring and autumn months

What season brings flowers?

What season is tasty?

What is the shortest month?

Is it rainy in autumn?

Is it snowy in summer?

  1. Revision of grammar construction It is… Опрацювання структури It is… в безособових реченнях.

T: Describe the winter weather

P s: It is usually cold and snowy

It is slippery sometimes

It’s frosty

It often snows

Everything is white with snow

T: Great!

What can we do in winter?

Ps: We can make a snowman

We can play snowballs

We can go skating, skiing, sledging

We can play hockey

We can go up the mountains

We can stay at home near the fireplace

T: Good job!

Now describe the spring weather

Ps: It is warm and sunny

Sometimes it is cool and rainy

The weather is changeable in spring

T: What can we do in spring?

Ps: We can ride our bikes

We can go rollerblading

We can play football, tennis, basketball, volleyball

T: Describe the summer weather

Ps: it is hot and sunny

It is boiling hot

T: What can you do with your friends?

Ps: We can play outdoors

We can go to the beach and swim

We can build sandcastles

We can play hide-and-seek

We can lie in the sun

We can go to the countryside

We can run, jump

We can play games

T: What is the weather like in autumn?

Ps: it is usually rainy

It is cool and cloudy

It is wet and windy

Ps: We can go for a walk to the park

We can gather fruits and vegetables

We can gather mushrooms in the forest

T: Fantastic!

  1. Revision of vocabulary. Повторення ЛО «Одяг»

T: Now let’s revise some words

People say there is no bad weather there are bad clothes

Do you agree?

Now look at the screen and name the words (a dress, a cap, a scarf….)

6. Dialogues. Розвиток діалогічного мовлення

T: What do you usually wear when it is hot and sunny (rainy, frosty, snowy, warm)?

That’s great and now ask each other the same question

P1: What do you usually wear when it is rainy (hot, snowy…)

P2: When it is rainy I usually wear a raincoat

T: Thank you! Well done!

  1. Group work. Групова робота

T: I want you to divide into 3 groups. It’s very easy task but I want you to cooperate.

У чні діляться на групи. Для цього кожен учень витягує карточку з коробочки з малюнком на ній і шукає собі учнів зі схожим малюнком. Це може бути персонажі одного мультфільму. В мене це малюки зими, осені та літа.

T: Your task is to pack the suitcase with the right clothes according to the place you are going to. First group is going to the south in summer. Second group is going to the mountains in winter. And the third group is going to the country on weekends in autumn.

Учні отримують паперовий «чемодан» і вони повинні приклеїти картку з певним одягом. Ps: Im going to take …
  1. Physical warming up. Фізхвилинка

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  1. Reading.Розвиток читання


There are 4 seasons in a year. It is winter. Winter months are December, January and February. It is usually cold and snowy in winter. It is sometimes slippery. I wear warm clothes: woolen hat, mittens, scarf, winter coat and boots. I can go skating, sledging and skiing. I like to play snowballs and make a snowman.

Spring months are March, April and May. It is usually sunny and warm in spring. It is sometimes rainy. The weather is changeable in spring. I like spring because I can wear my favourite trainers. I put on my jacket, jeans, cap and go for a walk with my friends.

It is summer. Summer months are June, July and August. It is usually hot and sunny. When I go for a walk I wear a cap, T-shirt, shorts and flip flops. I always wear sunglasses. In summer I have a lot of free time. I like going to the beach and swim in the sea. I can lie in the sun or build sandcastles. I can also play football, volleyball or tennis with my friends. But most of all I like riding my bike.

It is autumn. Autumn months are September, October and November. It is usually cloudy and rainy in autumn. It is sometimes windy. I wear my jacket or raincoat, jeans, sweater and boots. I always take my umbrella. I like walking in the park. I can gather mushrooms in the forest. It’s a lovely season!

  1. Listening. Розвиток аудіювання

  1. There are 4 seasons in a year

  2. It is usually cold and snowy in winter

  3. It is sometimes slippery in summer

  4. I have a lot of free time in summer

  5. It is usually rainy in winter

  6. Summer months are June, July and August

  7. The weather is changeable in spring

  8. I can go skating, sledging and skiing in autumn

  9. I like spring because I can wear my favourite trainers

  10. I always take my umbrella in winter

  11. I can build sandcastles in summer

III. The final part of the lesson. Заключна частина уроку

Summarizing. Підсумки уроку

I liked…

Most of all …

I enjoy….

Marks for the lesson.

Homework .

T: Well done! You’re good and smart pupils. Thank you!

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