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Розмір: 19кб.
Дата: 16.04.2020
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  1. Translation event embraces such stages as:

a) ST translation, clearing the mind, proofreading;

b) ST translation, editing, proofreading;

c) background reading, clearing the mind, ST translation.

  1. Proofreading means that:

a) we translate meaningful chunks of the text;

b) we conduct the final review without the ST;

c) we review for accuracy of meaning.
3. The interpreter

a) creates different written versions of one ST in the TL;

b) paraphrases the ST in the same language;

c) translates the ST orally.
4. Interlingual translation is

a) translation from one language to another;

b) translation within the same language;

c) translation of the verbal sign by a non-verbal sign.
5. Machine translation is

a) technical translation;

b) translation with the help of electronic devices;

c) translation that follows closely the form of the SL.

  1. There can be distinguished such types of equivalents as:

a) mono-equivalents, regular equivalents, irregular equivalents;

b) mono-equivalents, multi-equivalents, occasional equivalents;

c) multi-equivalents, variable equivalents, occasional equivalents.

  1. Equivalent-lacking words signify:

a) notions lacking in the target language and culture;

b) notions lacking in the source language and culture;

c) notions characteristic of several languages and cultures.
8. An explicatory translation is

a) giving different variants of translation;

b) giving a word or a phrase defining the object of translation;

c) giving the explanation of how to use the word given in translation.
9. The phrase «подружжя Морозових» should be translated as:

a) Mr. Morozov and Mrs. Morozova;

b) Mr. and Mrs. Morozovs;

c) Mr. and Mrs. Morozov.
10. Which of the following is calque translation (loan translation)?

a) Statue of Liberty – Статуя Свободи, flee market – блошиний ринок, skyscraper – хмарочос;

b) Penguin Books – лондонське видавництво «Пенгвін букс», General Motors – корпорація «Дженерал Моторз»;

c) the White Mountains – Уайт-Маунтинс, multimedia – мультимедіа, organizer – органайзер.
Correct any mistakes you find in translation.

  1. The best advice is the advice of a good friend. – Найкраща порада- це порада хорошого друга.

  2. When we move the laser through the resin, it gets polymerized. - Коли ми переміщуємо лазер через смолу, він полімеризується.

  3. He is stronger than me. - Він сильніший за мене.

  4. I closely follow technology companies in Silicon Valley. - Я уважно стежу за технологічними компаніями в Силіконовій долині

  5. They are like chalk and cheese. – Вони схожі на крейду та сир.

Give the translation of the following sentences into English:

    1. When I come to you, you read all the time! I say for the hundredth time that I want you to communicate with me.

    2. Tom used to smoke a lot, but when Mayora was born, he stopped and is now used to a healthy lifestyle.

    3. I wonder if Ted will come to the meeting. But if Ted comes to the meeting, I'll call you right away.

    4. They say that shopping improves your mood and prolongs your life. But I hate it when my friends make me go shopping.

20. The house was renovated last summer, but after yesterday's downpour I have to repair it again.

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