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Text 24 Formation of a new idea of ​​ways to ensure the national security of an individual state in the conditions when it becomes an integral part of the problem of creating general security. A new term has appeared in the lexicon of world politics - "a comprehensive system of international security." Since the mid-80's of the twentieth century. Many concrete international agreements have already been reached, which translate the new understanding of security issues into practical action. Relying on force to ensure national self-defense is no longer effective. On the other hand, there is no need to ensure national security, relying only on their own, national resources. The system of collective security allows us to rely on multinational forces, military and economic potential of other countries in the fight against the aggressor. This means,

Text 25

From ancient times, the transmission of reports on real events in international life has been extremely important in both domestic and foreign policy. For millennia, the main means of transmitting information have been messengers, who have primarily provided for the needs of political leadership and formed the basis for their foreign policy decisions. In the XVIII century. In France, courier mail was set up for the rapid transmission of information, using stagecoach services for this purpose. Since the nineteenth century, the development of international information relations has undergone revolutionary changes, consisting in the improvement of old and the invention of new technical means of transmitting information. Development of transport, invention of the telegraph, telephone, radio and, finally, introduction of modern computers Internet networks not only testified to the degree of progress of society, but also led to real information revolutions. Information is a way of reflecting the real environment in the form of facts and their initial comments and interpretations. Text 26 Special missions (ad hoc missions) - the oldest of all forms of diplomatic activity, which for millennia has been the only way to establish diplomatic relations between states. B. Humeniuk notes: "At the beginning of the emergence of civilization in the context of the development of the first interstate and international relations, there were no other forms of diplomatic activity, except for special missions" 1. The first mention of them dates back to III millennium BC, when they reached an agreement between the Mesopotamian cities Lagash and Ummah (3100 BC). 2. Permanent missions have existed since the XV century. when the Duke of Milan, Sforza, appointed his permanent representative to the court of the Duke of Florence, the Medici. Already in 1463 he established the first embassy at the king's court France. Permanent representation is basis modern bilateral interstate relations, as they allow to maintain regular relations and cooperate in resolving a wide range of issues. Text 27

A characteristic feature of the study of international conflicts has always been the focus of scholars on attempts to identify the root causes of conflicts and find ways to avoid them in order to achieve peaceful, crisis-free coexistence of participants in international relations. Conflict is a situation in international relations that tends to recur periodically, alternating with more or less long periods of stability. The natural alternation of periods of stability and confrontation (as well as conflicts arising from it) is perhaps the most important issue of research in the theory of international conflicts, ie the actual theoretical content of the problem is to determine the place of conflict among the causal links that make up international relations . The practical content of the question

Text 28 E. Toffler believes that in the history of mankind there have been three successive economic revolutions: agricultural, industrial and information, each of which preceded the emergence of a new society. E. Toffler argues that due to the uneven development of the world, different types of civilizations are forced to coexist. More progressive civilizations need space and displace the more backward. In particular, agricultural civilizations supplanted nomadic, industrial - agricultural. The emergence of a new civilization, by statement IS. Toffler, will be accompanied internal "super-struggle", where supporters of the new civilization will speak under the slogans: demassification, transnationalism, greening and fundamental transformations of political power. Civilizational theories are quite diverse, but a common feature for them is that, unlike the concepts of the classical school, they try to explain international relations through an understanding of the fundamentals of existence and development of human society.

Text 29

An important factor in the peaceful resolution of military conflicts is the active action of international organizations, which in multi- or bipolar systems, given their confrontational nature, could not be effective mechanisms for resolving international conflicts. It is important to understand that the most favorable phases for settlement are: aggravation (crisis) and de-escalation, and the least favorable - the phase of escalation. Although the parties' interest in a peaceful solution is declining as events unfold, there are still effective means of preventing an outbreak of military conflict. Among them, first of all, are international mediation and preventive diplomacy. Preventive diplomacy is aimed either at the direct development of the situation, or at solving the problems underlying the conflict.

In the escalation phase, a peaceful settlement of the international conflict looks rather hypothetical, as given that both sides suffer human and material losses, their propensity to reconcile with each other is negligible.

Text 5 The crisis of the bipolar system has highlighted the significant contradictions between modern international relations and the hereditary system of international law, which has developed in the form of layers and contains significant contradictions. In this regard, a number of new phenomena and precedents attract attention: - it cannot be stated that the change of norms of international law has a more evolutionary character of changes than in national systems. However, in international law there is a more obvious layering of later legal norms on the previous ones. Therefore, if appropriate, different rules of law can be applied by certain participants according to their needs and depending on the balance of power and influence. Several principles can be formulated that indicate the dynamics of the legal aspects of the regulation of relations within the system.

Text 6 The development of policy instruments to prevent the influence of the world community on the parties to conflicts, non-military guarantees of peace, and measures to prevent military conflicts is one of the many trends in international relations. Centers for the prevention of armed conflict are being set up. A new situation is observed in international negotiations. Negotiations are now increasingly seen not as a means to achieve unilateral benefits, but as a process of joint decision-making, where the parties are initially focused on cooperation, seeking a solution acceptable to all parties in matters of global security and other issues. These are problems such as climate change and environmental degradation, the fight against hunger, disparities in economic and scientific and technological development, and so on.


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