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Дата: 16.12.2022

Тема уроку. Food

Мета уроку. Ознайомити дітей з новими лексичними одиницями: burger, bun, hotdog, rice, ice-cream, coca-cola, lemonade, glass, bottle, a kind of, a glass of, a bottle of; повторити раніше вивчені лексичні одиниці: cucumber, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, honey, lemons, pizzas, apples, water, butter, pie, salad, eggs, cheese, sour cream, milk, sandwiches, bread, pears; вчити використовувати вивчену лексику на рівні фрази; удосконалювати техніку читання вголос; розвивати вміння усного мовлення; розширити знання дітей про продукти харчування; збагатити словниковий запас дітей; формувати в учнів вміння вчитися.

Обладнання. Мультимедійна презентація, серія тематичних картинок, картки із новими лексичними одиницями, кросворд, малюнковий план із завданнями уроку, ромашки зі звуками, м’яч.

Хід уроку

  1. Організаційний момент.

  • Good morning, children! So prepare for the lesson and let’s start our work.

  1. Повідомлення теми та завдань уроку

  • Our today’s topic is Food. Today we l revise the vocabulary on the topic food, we’ll learn new words on this topic and we’ll develop our reading and speaking skills. Children, we have got a special guest on our lesson today. Waiter brought us our plan for this lesson. Let’s see what we’ll be doing today. We are now making plans for the lesson, then we’ll have a little chat and work with sounds, after that we’ll remind what we already know and learn some new words. Then we’ll do some reading and speaking. And in the end we’ll sum up our lesson.

Plan for the lesson:

  1. Hello!

  2. Our plans for today.

  3. Let’s have a chat.

  4. [a], [ә], [u]

  5. Do you remember?

  6. Let’s learn new words.

  7. Let’s read and speak.

  8. Summary.

  1. Мовленнєва та фонетична зарядка

  1. Мовленнєва зарядка

  • Children, to work effectively we all have to be in a good mood. So, let’s wish each other some good things. First, we’ll read the examples on the black board altogether:

I wish you - be happy

- be healthy

- be strong

- good luck

- have a good result in studying

- have a lot of sunny days

- have a lot of joy

- And now, wish your classmate whatever you like from our examples.

  1. Фонетична зарядка

- Now, I’ll join you into 2 teams. For every team I have a special flower. You have to change its petals, so the sounds on them will make up the transcription of the word. Use a little tip – the picture of this word is in the middle of the flower. ([ ],[ ])

- Let’s read the transcriptions altogether/one by one.

  1. Повторення вивченого матеріалу та систематизація знань

  1. – Kids, look at the screen and let’s repeat the words we already know. Look at the screen and let’s read the words. (cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, honey, lemons, pizzas, apples, water, butter, pie, salad, eggs, cheese, sour cream, milk, sandwiches, bread, pears)

  2. Word Snake

  • Children, we have to fill in our word snake. I’ll show you the pictures and you’ll have to tell me what word we should write down. The last letter of every word is the first letter of every next word. (apples, sweet, tomato, orange, eggs, sandwich, honey)

  • Well done, children!

  1. Пояснення нового матеріалу

  1. Введення нових лексичних одиниць. Аудіювання речень, які містять нові ЛО. Семантизація нових ЛО (за допомогою картинок, ейдотехнології)

- Look at the screen. On this picture you can see the largest burger in the world. Personally, I like burgers. My favorite burgers are cheeseburgers.

burger [ ]

  • So what is the Ukrainian for “burger”?

- To make burger we need vegetables, meet and a special bun. But buns can be also sweet with fruits or jam.

bun [ ]

  • So, what is the Ukrainian for “bun”? Let’s rest a litte bit. What Ukrainian word sounds like the word “bun”? Уявіть собі булочку в банці.

  • In the whole world people eat a lot of hotdogs every day.

hotdog [‘hotdog]

- Давайте уявимо як дог (собака) хотів з’їсти бутерброд з гарячою сосискою.

- Rice is white. Rice came from China.

rice [ ]

  • So, what is the Ukrainian for “rise”?

  • Every child likes ice-cream. My favorite ice-cream is chocolate ice-cream.

ice-cream [ ]

  • Уявіть собі, що морозиво схоже на айсберг з кремом.

- I like coca-cola. Coca-cola is tasty and sweet and so pleasant to drink.

coca-cola [ ]

- I also like lemonade. Lemonade is fresh and good to drink in summer.

lemonade [ ]

  • So, what is the Ukrainian for “lemonade”?

  • I can drink juice and water from the glass. On the picture you can see many glasses. Also you can see bottles of coca-cola. You can drink water or lemonade from the bottle.

glass [ ]

bottle [ ] 

- On the picture you can see lemonade. Lemonade is a kind of drink. On this slide you can see a bottle of coca-cola and a glass of coca-cola.

a kind of, a glass of, a bottle of

- what is the Ukrainian “a kind of”?

  1. Фонетичне опрацювання нових ЛО. Хорова та індивідуальна імітація.

- Let’s repeat the words altogether/one by one.

Фізкультхвилинка “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes”

  1. Закріплення вивчених лексичних одиниць

  1. - Let’s read the words altogether/ one by one. Look in your cards. Who wants to read the all the words alone?

  2. – Look at the word. Memorize it and close your eyes. Please, go to the blackboard and write the word.

  3. Match words and pictures.

  • Children, I’ll join you into 2 teams. One team will have the pictures and another will have the words. Your task is to match words and pictures and to make up couples near the blackboard. (Burger, hotdog, rice, ice-cream, bun, lemonade, coca-cola)

  1. Hot potato

  • Let’s play a game. I’ll throw you a ball and say “We eat” or “We drink” and you have to name what can we eat or what can we drink.

  1. Розвиток умінь усного мовлення і читання.

  1. Розвиток умінь усного мовлення

Робота в парах

  • Each pair of you will get a set of cards with pictures. Tell your classmate what you like and what you don’t like.

  • Please, tell the whole group what you like.

  1. Розвиток умінь читання.

    1. Pre-reading

  • Let’s read the exercise 3 on the page 56.

b) While-reading

  • Children, let’s read the text about the café.

This is a café for children. In this café one can drink different kinds of juice, such as tomato juice, orange juice, carrot juice and apple juice. Also there are different kinds of lemonade and coca-cola. Here one can eat different kinds of pizza, such as cheese pizza, chicken pizza and tomato pizza. There are different kinds of burgers, such as fishburgers, cheeseburgers, and hamburgers. Children like this café very much.

c) Post-reading activity

- Tell me, do you go to the café with your parents?

- Look at the menu and tell me what kind of juice do you usually drink?

- What kind of pizza do you eat at the café?

- What kind of ice-cream is your favourite?

- What do you like better: lemonade or coca-cola?

- What kind of burger do you like most?

  1. Домашнє завдання

  • At home, you’ll write down new words into your vocabularies.

  1. Підсумок уроку

1. Гра “Снігова баба”

  • And now, children, we’ll see how attentive you were during our today’s lesson. One by one you’ll name the word you remembered from today’s lesson, but you have to repeat every word that was said before your turn.

2. Оцінювання учнів

  • Let’s look at our today’s plan. Is everything done?

- Well done, children! You were great students today, thank you for our lesson! Good bye.

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