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Дата: 04.06.2020

Starchikova, Group 52

Essay (argumentative)

Nowadays the question of gender and gender neutrality is highly disputable. There are lots of views on this problem, still, the society goes towards specification and equality. This paper deals with the notion of gender neutrality: what is it and what does society do about it?

First, one of the central issues, in this case, is dealing with the gender-neutral words. The most inextricable point is the usage of the gender-neutral word which would be appropriate for all the genders and LGBTQ representatives. This would reduce any disputes considering the utilization of the right word. For instance, in Sweden, such a word has been already proposed and approved.

Second, most of the words in English which mean some professions are of the male gender. Specifically, words that consist of a “-man” in the end are supposed to be reduced and substituted by more neutral. For example, “fireman” should be substituted by “firefighter”. On top of everything else, the markers of difference in gender are omitted nowadays more frequently. We can observe it in words which include endings “–ess”, for instance in the words “waitress”, “actress” and so on.

Third, but not least, there are more cases in which people use Ms. while addressing some person instead of Mrs. and Miss. This is intended to eliminate the difference between a person’s being or non-being married.

In conclusion, it should be mentioned that modern society becomes more tolerant and neutral in the case of gender.


Essay (persuasive)

What does being gender-neutral mean? This is the question of modern society. More and more people and countries become aware of the rights of people of different genders. Specifically, the question of LGBTQ representatives is of high importance nowadays. Is there a real necessity of finding a word for everybody at once?

First, if there is a necessity in it, then every language has to find the word. It can hardly be called an easy process, because all the members of a particular social group or of a country have to be satisfied with it, and it is almost impossible.

Second, if there would be found such a word it needs some time for people to get used to it. On top of the mentioned above, it is not clearly understood, whether this word is really essential. People identify themselves as representatives of some gender and may not want to be generalized in this way.

Third, such a word would probably make life easier, while writing some papers or talking in the mass media. Nobody will feel some guilt and fear of calling somebody in an inappropriate way. That is why the idea of such a word could be really helpful.

On the whole, it is very tolerant to try to find some special word, in case of being gender-neutral. This could be a very decent way out of gender problems. Still, the word found for this purpose may be not accepted by some people. That is why we should be very circumspective and tolerant dealing with this problem.

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