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Кафедра юридичної лінгвістики та документознавства


з навчальної дисципліни
Іноземна мова (англійська) за професійним спілкуванням ___________________________________________________________________________

(назва навчальної дисципліни)
длязаочної форми навчання

Сєвєродонецьк – 2019__
модуль 1. Основи професійно-орієнтованого перекладу

ТЕМА 1. Що таке закон? (Law: What Is It?) 2 год.


Загальноосвітня (навчальна): введення нового лексичного матеріалу, надання англомовної інформації щодо особливостей права у захисті прав та свобод громадян, оволодіння знаннями про особливості правових систем різних країн світу.

Розвивальна: розвиток навичок використання правової термінології в комунікації англійською мовою.

Виховна: формування культурної грамотності, толерантного ставлення до представників інших культур.

Основні поняття: disputes, legal system, basic freedoms, jurisprudence, values. violation of law, illegal, shoplifting, criminal penalty, steal, order, precedent.

  1. Ознайомлення з лексикою з теми Що таке закон? (Law: What Is It?). Активізація нового мовного матеріалу.

  2. Робота з текстом «WHAT IS LAW? » Читання та переклад.

  3. Мовна компетенція. Виконання лексичних та післятекстових завдань для закріплення знань з теми. (Дієслово. Допоміжні, питальні та смислові дієслова). Моделювання ситуацій спілкування. Складання діалогів.


1.Введення нової лексики з теми «WHAT IS LAW?».
Legal system, basic freedoms, jurisprudence, values. violation of law, illegal, shoplifting, criminal penalty, steal, order, promoting order and stability, representing the will of the majority, protecting the rights of the minority, constitutional amendment.

Перекладіть англійською:
1. У країнах англосаксонської правової сім’ї прецедент є основою правової системи..

2. У деяких інших країнах (наприклад у Франції) прецеденти використовуються для заповнення прогалин у законодавстві.

3.В Україні прецедент офіційно не вважається джерелом права.

4. Чи вважаєте ви що наслідування суворої кастової системи обмежує можливость особистості.

5. На практиці рішення судів вищих інстанцій часто беруться до уваги при вирішенні спорів.
2. Ознайомтесь із текстом. Зверніть увагу на традиційні цінності англомовних країн. Чи відрізняються вони від українських?


The question, "What is law?" has troubled people for many years. An entire field of study known as jurisprudence is devoted to answering this question. Many definitions of law exist. However, for our purposes, law can be defined as the set of rules and regulations made and enforced by the government that regulates the conduct of people within a society. Laws generally reflect and promote a society's values. These values can be moral, economic, or political. As these values change, laws may change too.

Moral values promoted by law deal with fundamental questions of right and wrong. For example, laws against killing promote society's primary moral value: the protection of life. However, some things that are consider immoral may not be a violation of law. An example is lying to a friend about how many points one scored in a basketball game. In limited circumstances, such as self-defense or during a time of war, even killing may not be illegal.

Economic values deal with the accumulation, preservation, use, and distribution of wealth. Many laws promote economic values by encouraging certain economic decisions and discouraging others. The law encourages you to buy a home by giving you a tax benefit based on the interest you pay for your home loan. Laws against shoplifting protect property and discourage stealing by providing a criminal penalty. Political values deal with the relationship relationship between government and individuals. Laws making it easier to vote promote citizen participation in the political process, which supports a very basic American political value.

Many of our laws promote combinations of moral, economic) and political values. For example, laws against theft deal with the moral question of stealing, the economic issue of protection of property, and the political problem of how government punishes those who violate criminal statutes.

As a young child, you first learned about rules in your home and then, a few years later, in your elementary school. Rules in your family were made and enforced by your parents, not by the government. Rules made and enforced by the government are generally called laws. Helping with certain chores in your home and going to bed at a certain time are examples of rules made by your parents. The government also makes and enforces some laws that affect your family life. For example, parents must provide their children with basic food, clothing, and shelter, and must send them to school when they reach a certain age. These laws and others help to give a degree of order to our society.
Task 1. Describe two laws that help give society order.

Task 2. Describe two laws that help protect individual freedom.

3. Describe a law that helps provide both order and freedom.

Exercises for oral practice:
Read the following text and translate the law terms which you don't know.
We expect our legal system to achieve many desirable goals. Among these are: (1) protecting basic freedoms, (2) promoting fairness, (3) helping people avoid and resolve conflicts, (4) helping communities achieve certain goals, (5) promoting order and stability, (6) representing the will of the majority, and (7) protecting the rights of the minority.

Many of society's most difficult social problems involve conflicts among these goals. For example, in trying to end unfair discrimination, some laws have given a preference to minorities over whites or to women over men. In attempting to protect the rights of some without -violating the rights of others, the law must walk a very fine line, and reasonable persons disagree exactly where this line should be drawn. However, everyone agrees that without any laws there would be far fewer rights and freedoms, more disorder, and less fairness.

You will learn much more about lawmaking later in this chapter, but for now you should know that not all laws work equally well. For a law to be fully effective, it must be fair and enforceable. Citizens must also be able to know and understand it.

In the United States we tend to think that a law can be passed to solve each and every one of our problems. In 1919, the U.S. Constitution was amended to prohibit the manufacture or sale of alcoholic beverages in this country. This law was passed in response to a significant national problem. However, it was extremely difficult to enforce this law, and 14 years later it was repealed by another constitutional amendment. Even today legislators are trying to deal with the nation's devastating drug problem by passing a wide variety of laws. People disagree on what role the law can play in solving this problem. We know from experience, however, that there is a limit to what laws can reasonably be expected to do.
Ознайомтесь із запропонованим граматичним матеріалом та виконайте низку вправ:

За значенням та функцією в реченні дієслова поділяються на смислові, допоміжні, дієслова-зв’язки та модальні. Смислові дієслова (full verbs) мають самостійне значення і в реченні виконують роль присудка.

I speak Ukrainian.
I learn English.

Допоміжні дієслова (auxiliary verbs) не мають самостійного значення, а виконують лише допоміжну функцію, щоб утворити запитальні, заперечу вальні речення та складні дієслівні (видочасові) форми.

Do you speak English? I don’t understand you. I am reading about auxiliary verbs.

Дієслова-зв’язки (link verbs) призначені для утворення складного присудка, частиною якого є іменник, прикметник або дієприкметник. Основним дієсловом-зв’язкою є to be. Як дієслова-зв’язки використовують й інші дієслова, наприклад: to look, to get. I am a student. I am hardworking. My brother is 30. He is a businessman. You look ill.

Модальні дієслова (modal verbs) вживають разом зі смисловим дієсловом, оскільки вони вказують на можливість (can, may), вірогідність (might), необхідність (must, need to), бажаність (should, ought to) виконання дії, що виражена смисловим дієсловом. I can read English but I must speak it.Модальні дієслова розглядають окремо, оскільки у них є не всі форми, як у інших дієслів. Дієслова бувають перехідними, які потребують прямого додатка, та неперехідними, що не потребують прямого додатка.В англійській мові, як і в українській, є два стани: активний і пасивний.Коли підмет виконує дії, дієслово вживається у формі активного стану. I ask questions. (Я запитую.) Коли підмет підпадає під дію з боку іншої особи або предмета, вживається дієслово у формі пасивного стану. I am asked questions. (Мене запитують.)  Дієслово to be має особові форми залежно від числа (однини, множини) та видо-часової форми. Теперішній час: oднина — (I) am, (he, she, it) is, множина — (you, we, they) are. Минулий час: однина — (I, he, she, it) was, множина — (you, we, they) were. Розповіднi речення Affirmatives: I am  We are           He is        She is        You are       It is       They are

Запитання. Questions Am I?         Is he?           Are  we?          Is she?      Are you?       Is it ?         Are they?

Короткі відповіді. Short answers Yes, I am. Yes, he/she it is. Yes, we/you/ they are. No, I am not. No, he/she it isn’t. No, we/you/ they aren’t.

Спеціальні запитання.WH-Questions Запитальне слово | is (are) | підмет | …? Where are you? Why are you here? Who is he? How old are you?

Заперечення . Negatives  I am not             He/She is not           We/You/they are not            It  is not    

Скорочення. The contractions are I’m • I’m not -• we’re • we aren’t - he’s • he isn’t - you’re • you aren’t - she’s • she isn’t -• they’re • they aren’t - it’s • it isn’t
Вправа 1.

Впишіть am, is, are:1. My name _________Victor.

2. My surname ________ Pavlenko.

3. I ________ from Ukraine

4. I ________ 20 years old.

5. I __________ a student.

6. My sister _________ a lawyer.

7. My sister and I ________ good friends.

8. Today _______ Monday.

9. The weather ________ nice.

10. The students ________ at classes. 
Вправа 2.

Напишіть розповідні або заперечувальні речення, використавши слова в дужках (пам’ятайте про дієслова-зв’язки):

1. (Kyiv/the/Ukraine/capital/of) _________________________________________________________________
2. (Rome/Spain/in) __________________________________________________________________
3. (The/North/the/South Pole/in) __________________________________________________________________
4. (hot/it/in/summer) __________________________________________________________________
5. (days/the/long/winter/in) __________________________________________________________________

Вправа 3.

Дайте відповіді на запитання:

1. What is your name? __________________________________________________________________
2. What is your surname? __________________________________________________________________
3. Where are you from? __________________________________________________________________
4. How old are you? __________________________________________________________________
5. What are you? __________________________________________________________________
6. What is your address? __________________________________________________________________
7. What is your telephone number? __________________________________________________________________
8. Who are your friends? __________________________________________________________________
9. What are they? __________________________________________________________________
10. Are you married? __________________________________________________________________

Вправа 4.

Запитайте про свого друга чи подругу та дайте відповіді.

1. ______________his/her name? __________________________________________________________________2. ______________his/her/ surname? __________________________________________________________________3. ______________he/she from?

4. ______________he/she? __________________________________________________________________5. ______________his/her job? __________________________________________________________________6. Where ________his/her parents? __________________________________________________________________7. How old _______he/she? __________________________________________________________________8. ______________single? __________________________________________________________________9. ______________Ukrainian? __________________________________________________________________10. Where _______he/she now? __________________________________________________________________
Tasks for self-control

Task 1. Do you think new laws are needed to solve the drug problem in America today? Give your reasons.

Task 2. What is the purpose of each law that you have identified? Would you change any of these laws? Why?
Read the following text and translate the law terms which you don't know.
Laws fall into two major groups: criminal and civil. Criminal laws regulate public conduct and set out duties owed to society. A criminal case is a legal action brought by the government against a person charged with committing a crime. Criminal laws have penalties requiring that offenders be imprisoned, fined, placed under supervision, оr punished in some other way. Criminal offenses are divided into felonies and misdemeanors. The penalty for a felony is a term of more than one year in prison. For a misdemeanor the penalty is a prison term of one year or less.

Civil laws regulate relations between individuals or groups of individuals. A civil action (lawsuit) can be brought when one person feels wronged or injured by another person. Courts may award the injured person money for the loss, or they may order the person who committed the wrong to make amends in some other way. An example of a civil action is a lawsuit for recovery of damages suffered in an automobile accident. Civil laws regulate many everyday situations such as marriage, divorce, contracts, real estate, insurance, consumer protection, and negligence.

Sometimes one action can violate both civil and criminal law. For example, if Joe beats up Bob, he may have to pay Bob's medical bills under civil law and may be charged with the crime of assault under criminal law.

Matt and Luther decide to skip school. They take Luther's brother's car without telling him and drive to a local shopping center. Ignoring the sign Parking for Handicapped Persons Only, they leave the car and enter a radio and TV shop.

After looking around they buy a portable AM-FM radio. Then they buy some sandwiches from a street vendor and walk to a nearby park While eating they discover that the radio does not work. In their hurry to return it, they leave their trash on the park bench.

When Matt and Luther get back to the shopping center, they notice a large dent in one side of their car. The dent appears to be the result of a driver's carelessly backing out of the next space. They also notice that the car has been broken into and that the tape deck has been removed.

They call the police to report the accident and theft. When the police arrive, they seize a small clear bag containing illegal drugs from behind the car's back seat. Matt and Luther are arrested.

  1. What do you think Matt and Luther did wrong?

  2. What laws (civil or criminal) were involved in the story?

Базова література

  1. Краснова Н.В. , Літвінов О.М. English for Law Students. Навчально-методичний посібник для студентів вищих навчальних закладів системи МВС України.- ЛДУВС ім.. Е.О.Дідоренка.-421 с.

  2. English for lawyers: підр.для студ.вищ.навч.закл. / В.П. Сімонок, О.П. Лисицька та ін..; за ред.. В.П. Сімонок. – 2-ге вид.змін.та допов. – Х.:Право. – 2015. – 648 с.

  3. Крашенинина Н.Ф. и др. Английский язык для юридических факультетов и ВУЗов МВД. - РИО ЛАВД, 2004. – 171 c.

Інформаційні ресурси

  1. http://www.oxfordislamicstudies.com

  2. http://www.foreigntranslations.com

  3. http://www.abet.org/country_profiles

Допоміжна література
1. Liz and John Soars. New Headway Intermediate. The third edition. Student’s book.

2. Алмазова Л.А. Как научиться говорить по-английски: Учеб. пособие. – 2-е изд. испр. – М.: Высшая школа, 1980. – 224 с.

3. Артемова А.Ф. Энциклопедия самообразования по английскому языку и страноведению Великобритании и США: Учеб.пособие/ А.Ф. Артемова, О.А. Леонович. – М.: ООО „Издательство Астрель”: ООО „Издательство АСТ”: ООО „Транзиткнига”, 2008. – 316 с.

4. Калюжна В.Ю., Кубракова М.В.Англійська мова: навч.-метод. пос. для курсантів вищих навчальних закладів системи МВС України. – ЛДУВС ім. Е.О. Дідоренка. – Луганськ: РВВ ЛДУВС ім. Е.О. Дідоренка, 2013.-272 с.

Інформаційні ресурси

  1. http://www.oup.com/elt/headway


ТЕМА 2. Розвиток права: Історичний аспект (Evolution of Law: Historical Aspect) 2 год.

Загальноосвітня (навчальна): активізація нового лексичного матеріалу, надання англомовної інформації щодо історичного аспекту розвитку права (Римське право), оволодіння знаннями про особливості внеску Римського права у правову систему європейських країн.

Розвивальна: розвиток розмовних навичок з теми в комунікації англійською мовою.

Виховна: формування культурної грамотності, толерантного ставлення до представників інших культур.

Основні поняття: god, settle, archon, revision, humane, enslave, monetary. Lawgiver, penalty, fine, guardian, jury, blood feuds, Tablets.
1.. Ознайомлення з лексикою з теми «Історичний аспект (Evolution of Law: Historical Aspect)». Активізація нового мовного матеріалу.

2. Робота з текстом «ANCIENT ROMAN LAWS»

3. Мовна компетенція. Виконання лексичних та післятекстових завдань для закріплення знань з теми. (Активний і пасивний стан дієслів. Узгодження часів).

4. Моделювання ситуацій спілкування. Складання діалогів.

1.Активізація введеної лексики з теми «Evolution of Law: Historical Aspect».

Authority, god, settle, archon, revision, humane, enslave, monetary, Lawgiver, penalty, fine, guardian, jury, blood feuds, law, .punishments, Draco’s code, Tablets.
Перекладіть англійською:
1. Закон дванадцяти таблиць.

2. Право народів (міжнародне право).

3. Сукупність правових норм.

4. Розробити проект закону.

5. Тлумачити та застосовувати закони.
2. Ознайомтесь із текстом. Зверніть увагу на закон дванадцяти таблиць.

During the early days when Rome was a kingdom, the Kings set up an intricate religious system of gods and priests, elected from the noble Patrician class, to look after the cults. Given that law and order was in the hands of the King who acted with the gods it was natural that the priests and religious orders also doubled up as the first lawyers and judges of Rome.

It is easy to imagine that in the absence of written laws, legal judgments might lack transparency, especially if the case involved a plebeian versus a patrician. It was difficult for citizens to understand what his or her rights were.

A number of written laws were collected during the reign of the last king Tarquin the Proud by a man called Sextus Papirius. This rudimentary book of laws was called Jus Papirianum ("jus" means "law").

The tyrannical attitude of the last king, Tarquin the Proud, led to his expulsion and the Kingdom became a Republic where government and law were managed by elected officials. After a 16-year battle with their last king, Tarquin the Proud, the people of Rome vowed never to be ruled by a king again. The people wanted to be ruled by elected leaders. They wanted to vote on any laws suggested. They wanted to vote on who would rule over them each year.

The Republic was ruled through two elected Consuls who had to consult with one another in order to take decisions.

In times of danger the Consuls would be replaced by a single Dictator who had the authority to take quick military decisions without consultation. Because of his absolute power the dictator was only allowed to hold power for six months. At first any free citizen could aspire to these and other positions of state although soon enough it became a privilege of the Patricians.

The ruling bureaucracy was called Magistrates. The "parliament" was called the Senate and the whole Roman State was headed up by the two Consuls.

With the fall of the last of the Kings of Rome the laws within the Jus Papirianum were abolished and replaced by laws based on custom and the judgment of the court. Given that the government of the Republic was soon taken over by the Patrician class it is not surprising that a new set of written laws was required to ensure a more transparent judicial system.

The first laws of the Republic were collected by a council of ten men who wrote them onto twelve tablets. These laws talked about property, crime, family, theft, marriage and inheritance. It does not really matter what they said, although the laws did try to be fair. What matters is that these laws were written down. They were engraved on tablets of metal and put on display at the Forum in the city of Rome, so that everyone could see them.

History refers to this group of laws as "The Twelve Tables" because the written laws were organized into 12 sections. Twelve tablets were learned by heart by all children at school. Although this didn’t lead to instantaneous justice it made justice a little more transparent. Cicero himself, many years later, declared his opinion that "the laws of the Twelve Tablets were to be preferred to the whole libraries of the philosophers". Unfortunately the original text of the XII Tablets has not been preserved. The tablets were probably destroyed when Rome was conquered and burned by the Celts in 387 BC. The fragments which did survive show that it was not a law code in the modern sense. It did not provide a complete and coherent system of all applicable rules or give legal solutions for all possible cases. Rather, the tables contained specific provisions designed to change the then-existing customary law.

The Twelve Tablets were subdivided into three areas of law:

  • Concerns of Religion

  • Rights of the Public

  • Private Persons

3.Виконання лексичних та післятекстових завдань.Translate the legal terms.

Here are a few of the laws in the Twelve Tables.

  • If you are called to go to court, you must go. If you don’t show up, you can be taken to court by force.

  • If you need a witness to testify and he will not show up, you can go once every three days and shout in front of his house.

  • Should a tree on a neighbor’s farm be bent crooked by the wind and lean over your farm, you may take legal action for removal of that tree.

  • If it’s your tree, it’s your fruit, even if it falls on another man’s land.

  • A person who had been found guilty of giving false witness shall be hurled down from the Tarpeian Rock.

  • No person shall hold meetings by night in the city.

  • A dead man shall not be buried or burned within the city.

  • Marriages should not take place between plebeians and patricians. (As time went on, this law was changed.

This system of laws came to be known as "Jus Civile" - civil law.

By the end of the Empire the body of legal knowledge and laws had grown to about two thousand volumes. This made the legal system so unwieldy that emperor Justinian ordered them to be reorganised and simplified. The result was four tomes of Civil Law which formed the basis of the legal systems in all Christendom. This Roman law, the Justinian Code, was effective in the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire (331–1453) it was applied in most of Western Europe, until the end of the 18th century, and also served as a basis for legal practice in continental Europe, as well as in most former colonies of European nations, including Latin America.
Answer the following questions:

  1. Why was it difficult for citizens to understand what their rights were?

  2. What were the reasons for transformation of Ancient Rome from kingdom to republic?

  3. How was the republic ruled?

  4. What made judicial system more transparent?

  5. What did the laws of twelve tables deal with?

  6. Could the laws of twelve tables be called a legal code? Why?

  7. Why did Justinian order to reorganize the laws of the Empire?

  8. What is Justinian code considered to be significant for world legal process?

Ознайомтесь із інформацією, що містять наступні відео для подальшого виконання граматичних вправ:

  • English Grammar -- Passive Voice and Active Voice


  • Passive Voice - English Lesson

Виконайте граматичні вправи:

А). –повторіть інформацію щодо системи часів дієслова в активному та пасивному стані (дидактичний матеріал кафедри) та виконайте наступні тренувальні вправи:
Вправа 1.

Змініть речення за зразком:

Зразок: A telephone callwoke meup. –I was wokenup by a telephone call.

  1. My father built this cottage.

  2. Beginners use that computer.

  3. Somebody is opening the window now.

  4. We sold the last French text-book.

  5. People all over the world watch news.

  6. The moonlight lit everything in the room.

  7. Don’t worry, we shall settle your problems.

  8. We have just sent for the doctor.

  9. The Semenovs don’t use this room very often.

  10. He has just repaired his car.

  11. Somebody addressed the letter to the wrong person.

  12. The secretary is still typing the letter.

  13. Mum cut the meat and chopped it.

  14. The police have been looking for him for a month!

  15. Our chief offered me a day-off.

Вправа 2.

Визначте правильну форму дієслова:

  1. You (advise) to wear sensible shoes in winter.

  2. Sniffer dog (use) by police to detect drugs and explosives.

  3. Huge pine trees (uproot) by the storm.

  4. You (allow, not) to buy cigarettes if you are under sixteen.

  5. Toyotas (manufacture) in Japan.

  6. Gold (discover) in Eastern Canada.

  7. Several towns (destroy) by eruption of Vesuvius.

  8. The mirror (break) while it (move) into the hall.

  9. How the word “magazine” (pronounce)?

  10. Love stories always (sell) well.

Вправа 3.

Дайте правильну відповідь на запитання, використовуючи слова, що подані нижче:

Зразок:-Was radium discovered by Mary Poppins? – No. It was discovered by Marie Curie. 

1. Was “Mona Liza” painted by Picasso?

2. Was Mickey Mouse created by the Warners?

3. Was the song “Imagine” written by Elvis Presley?

4. Was the film “Titanic” directed by Alfred Hitchcock?

5. Was “Romeo and Juliet” written by Agatha Christie?

6. Was the Parthenon built by ancient Romans?

7. Was the telephone invented by Siemens?

8. Was America discovered by Marco Polo?

9. Was “The Moonlight Sonata” composed by Tchaikovsky?

10. Were the Pyramids built in China?

11. Was “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” written by Shakespeare?

Leonardo da Vinci, Marie Curie, the ancient Egyptians, James Cameron, the ancient Greeks, Walt Disney, John Lennon, Shakespeare, Alexander Bell, Popov, Christopher Columbus, Lewis Carrol


Б) - узгодженнячасів:

Ознайомтесь із інформацією щодо узгодження часів в англійській мові для подальшого виконання граматичних вправ:

  • Reported Speech and the Sequence of Tenses”



Вправа 1.

Перекладіть українською мовою. Зверніть увагу на правило узгодження часів в англійській мові.


1. He said that he liked that book.

2. They told me that they had made a report the previous week.

3. I invited him to go fishing at six o’clock in the morning, but he said he would be sleeping.

4. He told me he had forgotten everything he knew.

5. She said she would have been doing that work for two hours when I came.

6. He said A. Einstein was born in 1779, but he was born in 1879.

7. He told her that she must consult the doctor.

8. She said that she had been there before.

9. He said that he would ring me up in the evening.

10. She said, she hoped that it would have stopped raining by the next morning.


1. He asked her who the owner of the car was.

2. He asked me if I had got me salary.

3. She asked Pat whether he would take part in the concert.

4. Alan asked me how long I had been waiting for him.

5. Dustin asked mother when they would have dinner.

6. Rod asked me if I had solved financial problems.

7. He asked me how long it took me to get to the University.

8. Austin asked me since what time I had known that man.

9. Timothy asked Mary whom she had met at the station the day before.

10. He asked me what I was reading that time.


1. The teacher told the students to close their text-books and to get ready to speak about Great Britain.

2. Mother asked Kate not to stay in the wind, she might catch cold.

3. Jennifer asked her friends to come and visit her next weekend.

4. Father ordered the children not to play with matches.

5. Mary asked us to sit down and make ourselves comfortable.

6. The woman asked the girl to pull herself together and not to worry.

7. He asked us not to be angry with him as he felt very sorry about that.

8. Diane asked me where her new hat was and added that she had long been looking for it.

9. Mother said that Kate was ill and asked Mike to run for the doctor.

10. The teacher told us not to look up the words in a dictionary when we translated such an easy text.
Tasks for self-control

Вправа 1.

Напишіть речення в минулому часі. Зверніть увагу на залежність часу підрядного додаткового речення від часу головного.

1. Nick says he is sure Elizabeth and Jane will be excellent guides.

2. He says they have made good progress in English.

3. Amanda says that in a day or two several American students will come to pay a visit to their school and she will probably have to act as an interpreter.

4. Alice says she has just met Mike in the street.

5. She says Mike told her a lot of interesting things about his travels in the south.

6. Martin says he is going to the hotel to see his friends, who have just arrived in Lugansk from Argentina.

7. He says they have not been here for a long time.

8. He says they were friends at school.

9. He says he will take them to the theatre on Sunday.

10. They say they will write me a letter when they return home.
Вправа 2.

Поставте подані речення в минулому часі. Зверніть увагу на зміни, що мають відбутися в підрядних реченнях.

1. They say they will come to see us next Friday.

2. She says he has already written the article.

3. We do not know when he comes home.

4. James thinks his friend has just returned home.

5. My teacher believes I will succeed in my studying.

6. We expect Mary will join us in the evening.

7. He says he has left his bicycle in the yard.

8. Nora says she will tell you the truth.

9. We suppose that he is joking.

10. I can’t believe she has done it.
Вправа 3.

Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи потрібний час дієслова.

1. I asked my sister to tell me what she (has seen, had seen)at the museum.

2. My friend asked me who (is playing, was playing) the piano in the sitting room.

3. I knew that he (is, was) a very clever person.

4. He said he (is staying, was staying) at the Ritz Hotel.

5. They realized that they (lost, had lost) their way in the dark.

6. I thought that I (shall finish, should finish) my work at that time.

7. He says he (works, worked) at school two years ago.

8. Denise said he (is, was) very busy.

9. I think the weather (will be, would be) fine next week. I hope it (will not change, would not change) for the worse.

10. He said he (will come, would come) to the station to see me off.
Вправа 4.

Перекладіть англійською мовою, дотримуючись правил узгодження часів.

1. Ми вирішили на минулому тижні, що наступного літа ми всі поїдемо в Крим.

2. Сестра сказала, що хоче приїхати до нас сама.

3. Я знав, що він дуже зайнятий.

4. Секретар не помітив, що директор з кимсь розмовляє.

5. Марія сказала, що вона дарує нам цю картину.

6. Вона сказала, що її колеги завжди дають їй чудові поради.

7. У минулому році вони думали, що ніколи не будуть добре читати англійською мовою, але вчора вони побачили, що читають тексти досить добре.

8. Вчений був упевнений, що знайде розв’язання проблеми.

9. Він сказав мені вчора, що раніше він навчався в університеті.

10. Усі були впевнені, що Петро добре складе іспити.

Reported commands

Stop! Don’t move!”

Don’t make noise!”

The policeman ordered them

not to move and to stop.

Mother asked the children

not to make that noise.


Вправа 5.

Перебудуйте наказові речення, змінюючи пряму мову на непряму.

1. The doctor said to Jane, “Open your mouth and show me your tongue.”

2. “Don’t eat too much ice cream,” said Pat’s mother to him.

3. “Explain to me how to solve this problem,” said my friend to me.

4. “Don’t be afraid of my dog,” said the man to Mary.

5. “Go home,” said the teacher to us.

6. “Sit down at the table and do your homework,” said my mother to me.

7. “Don’t forget to clean your teeth,” said granny to Helen.

8. “Please bring me some salad,” he said to the waitress.

9. The teacher said to me, “Hand this note to your parents, please.”

10. “Don’t worry over such a small thing,” she said to me.

11. I said to Nick, “Send me a telegram as soon as you arrive.”

12. The detective said to us, “Please tell me all you know about the accident.”

13. “Don’t smoke in my room”, she asked me.

14. “Please, help me to translate this text”, Denise said to me.

15. “Stay back!” – ordered the police.


Базова література
1. Краснова Н.В. , Літвінов О.М. English for Law Students. Навчально-методичний посібник для студентів вищих навчальних закладів системи МВС України.- ЛДУВС ім.. Е.О.Дідоренка.-421 с.

2. English for lawyers: підр.для студ.вищ.навч.закл. / В.П. Сімонок, О.П. Лисицька та ін..; за ред.. В.П. Сімонок. – 2-ге вид.змін.та допов. – Х.:Право. – 2015. – 648 с.

3. Крашенинина Н.Ф. и др. Английский язык для юридических факультетов и ВУЗов МВД. - РИО ЛАВД, 2004. – 171 c.

Інформаційні ресурси



Допоміжна література
1.Голицынский Ю.Б. Сборник упражнений. – 6-е изд., - СПб.: КАРО, 2008. –  340 с. 

2. Комаровская С.Д. Justice and the Law in Britain: учебник английского языка для юристов. – 2-ое изд., исп. – М.: „Книжный дом „Університет”, 2000. – 260 с.

3. Посібник з англійської мови для студентів-юристів / за заг. ред. проф. В.П.Сімонок. – Х.: Право, 2005. – 264 с.

Інформаційні ресурси

        1. http://www.oup.com/elt/headway


ТЕМА 3. Велика Британія та Україна (юридична та політична системи) (Great Britain and Ukraine (legal and political systems) 2 год.

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