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Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

SHEI “Pereiaslav- Khmelnytskyi Hryhorii Skovoroda State Pedagogical University”


on the topic :

«The Educational System of USA»


Julia Kovtun
Group PO-42

Рedagogical faculty


V.S. Krikun

Pereiaslav- Khmelnytskyi – 2019



1. History of becoming and development of the educational system the United States of America ………………………………………………………………………….6

2. Organization and structure of education in the United States of America……….8

2.1 Preschool education…………………………………………………………….9

2.2 Primary and AV education …………………………………………………....13

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………….19

List of literature……………………………………………………………….....20


The education system is understood as a set of educational programs and standards, a network of educational institutions and government bodies, as well as a set of principles determining the functioning of the system. The nature of the education system in any state is determined by the socio-economic, political system, cultural, historical, national characteristics of the country.

In the modern world there are many educational systems. The state of education in foreign countries is advisable to consider the example of the most developed countries, since they are more inherent in leading trends characterizing both the positive and negative aspects of the educational system.

The most developed country is the United States of America.

America is a country of unlimited possibilities and prosperity, a country of contrasts, speed, stability and measured life. A huge number of language schools, universities, colleges and business schools attract students from all over the world. Universities and schools in the United States have a high rating and are known worldwide. American universities aim to meet the most advanced requirements, both in the field of theoretical developments and in the field of practical research. It is not surprising that to get a higher education in the USA and to learn English abroad is a dream of many students.

The purpose of this work is to study the features of the educational system of the United States of America.


- consider the history of the formation and development of the educational system of the United States of America;

- To get acquainted with the structure of education in the United States of America.


1. The history of the formation and development of the educational system of the United States of America

The history of the formation of the US education system began in the first decades of the XVII century, when the British began to colonize North America. It is known that the first English colonies appeared on the territory of the present state of Virginia (1607) and on the shores of the Massachusetts Bay (1620). When the first European colonists appeared in America, two questions arose before them: what should they preserve from their cultural heritage, and what should they refuse, and how to preserve and increase this heritage? Their answer was the city school. For 30 years after the first settlement appeared in Massachusetts (1620), all cities were instructed to hire school teachers to teach children to read, write, arithmetic and the Law of God. From larger cities demanded and the creation of secondary schools to prepare the younger generation to study at the university. In 1787, the Council of the Continent ordered that each new settlement in the northwestern territory allocate a plot of land for a free secondary school.

Speaking of universities, Harvard (Massachusetts) was founded in 1636, and William and Mary (Virginia) in 1693. In 1776, on the eve of the American revolution, there were fourteen colleges; by 1800, twenty more were added to them. In those days, the school not only retained elements of classical education, but also taught the crafts necessary for the formation of a new North American nation. Americans borrowed a lot from the English, French and German learning systems. This led to the fact that by the middle of the XIX century. The curriculum of the same school already included such subjects as Latin, animal husbandry, arithmetic and housekeeping.

As they moved west, the Americans continued to believe in the need for schooling. However, the settlements had to adapt to the conditions of the mid-western prairies and the south-western deserts. Having jurisdiction over their schools under the Constitution, each state itself determined the curriculum, criteria and objectives of training. All communities sought money to build schools and pay teachers. Despite the significant difference in the approach to education, the attitude to school in all parts of the country was similar.

Nonetheless, it was the Morill Law of 1862 that fundamentally changed American higher education.This law, approved by the congress, provided states with state land for the construction of educational institutions that taught "agriculture and mechanics" in order to prepare students "for their daily activities and professions." Such institutions legalized vocational education and grew much faster than educational colleges, resembling the older private universities of the East Coast. It was this practical approach that subsequently led to the creation of huge modern state universities.

In 1834, an absolutely free system of schools was established in the state of Pennsylvania, financed by public funds and controlled by the public. In 1865, by the end of the Civil War, education — from elementary school to university — became accessible to all and attracted the most worthy members of society to its system. Public school became the vessel in which the peculiarity of American civilization was formed.

The situation is more complicated with the question of the college curriculum. On the one hand, students expect university education to introduce them to the world of complex technologies and prepare them for ever-growing competition in the labor market. On the other hand, teachers educated in the spirit of classical traditions complain that fewer and fewer students express a desire to seriously engage in the study of art, natural sciences, philosophy and history.

However, despite numerous problems, the education system in the United States has already achieved great success and is constantly striving for new achievements.

2. Organization and structure of education in the United States of America

The modern education system of the United States, formed under the influence of historical, economic and social factors, is characterized by a number of features that largely distinguish it from Western European standards.

In the USA there is no unified state education system, each state has the right to determine its structure independently.

In the US, there are about 115 thousand schools. As in other capitalist countries, in the US schools are divided into: public (public school) (the vast majority of American children study in these schools) and private. These schools are funded from various sources.

The education system as a whole at the present stage in the USA is a multilevel content structure built on the age principle and includes 4 levels: pre-school education, elementary education, secondary education and higher special education higher education education.

- Pre-school education includes 2 levels: nursery (nursery school) and kindergarten (kindergarten).

- School education includes two levels: elementary and secondary education (elementary and secondary education). Elementary education includes the first level, primary school and elementary school (1st grade, primary school and elementary school). Secondary education in the United States is usually divided into two stages - junior high school and high school, each of which has three years of study.

- School education as a whole (schooling) includes 12 academic classes (grade) from the first - first grade to 12 - twelfth grade, each of which lasts for 1 academic year.

- Middle schools are of different types: "academic", "professional" and "multiprofile". In a multidisciplinary school, starting from grade 9, there are various departments (profili), the most widely distributed of which are "academic", "general", "commercial", "industrial", "agricultural".

- School programs in the US a lot. There is no uniform curriculum (unlike Russia and most European countries), which is connected with the autonomous position of each state.

- Higher education in the United States can be obtained at colleges, universities and academies. Higher education institutions award graduates with a bachelor’s degree (bachelor’s degree), a master’s degree and a doctorate degree.

2.1 Preschool education

Preschool education in the United States is carried out in preschool institutions - nurseries, kindergartens, toddler and preparatory preschool centers - public and private institutions for children of toddlers and kindergartens. It is obvious that basically this feature gives the high degree of sensitivity to pedagogical innovations of the whole system. Plus, the state actively stimulates the improvement of the educational functions of preschool institutions, provides financial assistance in obtaining pre-school education and preparing for school. In the end, due to the early mass involvement of children in the process of training and education, the general level of school education increases. So a simple truth is realized: the child’s ability, his chances of successful schooling increase if he is taught to learn from early childhood and arouse his interest in the subject matter. Missed at an early age is difficult or impossible to catch up at a more mature age - America does not forget about this.

There are in the US and schools for the smallest - the so-called schools - nurseries, the idea of ​​the necessity of which was developed by some pedagogical colleges. Schools for children from 3 to 6 years opened and open many organizations, including "preschool laboratories" at colleges, mainly engaged in research activities and teacher training, religious communities, parent cooperatives and other voluntary associations. These preschool institutions are usually perfectly equipped and create prosperous conditions for the physical, mental and emotional development of their pupils, and successfully train them to generally accepted standards of behavior.

According to many American specialists, along with the creation of the necessary conditions for children to receive knowledge and skills, the priority task of pre-school institutions is the formation of personality.

2.2 Primary and secondary education

Primary School.

Psychologists and educators thought out different tasks for consistency, flexibility and depth of mind.

After the definition of “IQ”, groups A, B and C appear - “presented”, “normal” and “incapable” and learning is differentiated. Serious, intensive classes with rather high requirements for students' knowledge are conducted with capable students. These children, as they are called in the USA, are "oriented to college" from the very first years of schooling.

Secondary school.

Middle school in the United States is usually divided into two stages - junior and senior, each for three years. In junior high school, as well as at other levels of education, there are no uniform curricula, programs, textbooks. Each school district develops its recommendations for the distribution of study time, prepares its programs for individual disciplines. However, among the variety there are common features of education in junior high schools. The academic year continues in the American school for 170-186 days; children study 5 days a week. The duration of training sessions per day is 5-6 hours (from 8.30 to 15.30).

The academic year, as a rule, is divided into semesters. In the eighth grade, a system of choice of subjects appears, and the mandatory subjects are English, mathematics, social studies, natural science, physical education with hygiene, music and visual arts, work (for boys) and housekeeping (for girls).

The senior secondary school is a general education institution. Students finish school, usually in the age of 17-18. In the practice of the overwhelming majority of senior secondary schools, the curriculum usually includes the study of mathematics (2 years), English (4 years), natural (2 years) and social sciences (3 years).

Middle schools are of different types: "academic", "professional" and "multiprofile". In a multidisciplinary school, starting from the 9th grade, there are various departments (profili). The most popular of them: "academic", "general", "commercial", "industrial", "agricultural".

Academic profile provides education sufficient for admission to the university. At the beginning of the ninth year of study, all students are subjected to testing to determine the "coefficient of mental ability". If it turns out to be below 90, then it is inappropriate for students to study at the academic department, and it is better for them to choose some practical course. Professional profiles prepare the student for direct practical activities. So, on the industrial profile, half of the school time is spent on work in school workshops or in the garage. The amount of total education on these profiles is significantly reduced. The department of general training, on the contrary, gives general knowledge, but in a volume that is insufficient either for entering a university or for choosing a certain profession. Recently, it has been subjected to harsh criticism. Thus, after graduating from the middle school, students actually have a completely different training.

Assessment of knowledge.

Knowledge control is carried out continuously in the course of testing students in at least two forms:

1) once a year, standardized tests such as tests of mental abilities and educational development (Iowa), “Henmon-Nelson Test” for testing mental abilities, etc., are adopted throughout the country;

2) once a week or more, and sometimes 2-3 times a semester (as decided by the teacher) tests and tests of intraclass control are taken.

The rating system is usually alphabetic, based on the first five letters of the English alphabet. On average, grades in the country's schools are distributed and characterized as follows:

A - 15% of students - constantly high level of readiness, deep knowledge and originality (excellent).

In - 25% of students - the level, frankly higher than the average (good).

C - 35% of students - the average level of assignment (medium).

D - 15% of students - the minimum level of knowledge (below average).

F - 10% of students - unsatisfactory results or complete ignorance of the educational material.

The degree of academic performance, assessed in C, is usually necessary for the continuation of studies during the pre-graduation period; Grade B is mandatory for continuing education by a graduate.There are also symbols:

P - offset (100%),

S - satisfactory (70%),

N - fail (below 70%).

Each student is informed about his success strictly individually. He receives a piece of paper on which everything is detailed, and this piece is put on the desk, upside down, so that none of the other children can see the results of the child’s studies. Even the time when these leaflets are distributed are chosen in such a way that after receiving the result sheet, the children have almost no time to communicate with classmates: the children receive their "cards" just before leaving school.

Getting a high school diploma.

To achieve this goal, graduates need only to get credits for 16 academic courses in the last four years of study. Each such course consists of one lesson daily for 18 or 36 weeks. Traditionally, students enroll in the study of 5-6 courses during the first half of the year and thus gain 20 or more courses in the 9-12th grades. Each compulsory subject is usually split up into smaller courses. This is especially true for large secondary schools, where the number of such small divisions can be 20-30 disciplines. For example, the compulsory for studying in the English language includes: composition, American literature or creative writing; but at the same time, the credit can be obtained by attending courses such as modern writers, journalism, black American literature, etc. In the field of social studies among the short courses stand out "social problems", "history of minorities in the United States", etc.

For the most talented students, special courses are developed that are similar in content to university courses, sometimes a separate teacher is allocated for classes, and after graduation, such children are given letters of recommendation to facilitate their admission to prestigious universities.

2.3 Higher education

In the US, there is no clear definition of the very concept of "higher education institution". In principle, any educational institution conducting further training after graduating from high school, so-called “post-secondary schools”, can be equally called a “college”, “school”, “institute” or even a “university”. Higher education is one of the most expensive things in the USA.

The American system of higher education differs from the Russian one in that in the US the applicant first enters a higher education institution and only then is determined with the choice of a further specialty, whereas yesterday’s schoolchild in Russia makes his choice even before entering a higher education institution. In this case, the American student has a choice of a very wide range of courses offered in accordance with a variety of interests, as well as the possibility of in-depth training of the chosen specialty.

In the US, there are no uniform strict requirements for applicants, although usually applicants must submit documents about the completion of full secondary school; the list of subjects studied at school and the ratings obtained for them; the total number of points on the tests for ability and knowledge, recommendations, characteristics of school and administration teachers, the results of interviews on admission.

At interviews, important information is played by additional information that an applicant can provide about himself, for example, a description of work in public organizations, documents on participation in school competitions and festivals, in sports events, and so on.

The procedure for admission and selection of applicants to universities in the United States depends on their type and prestige. Some universities carry out the selection by competitive examinations, interviewing, testing. Others simply accept secondary education (for example, a series of two-year colleges). Some universities admit students according to the results of a competition of high school graduation documents. The most prestigious universities organize competitive selection, since the number of applicants significantly exceeds the number of places. Applicants often apply at the same time to several universities in order to enroll in one of them. Entrance exams (or tests) are conducted by specialized services (Testing service for education). Colleges and universities announce in advance what tests they offer and how many points you need to earn for admission.

There is no planned admission and graduation of specialists across the country in the United States. Each university forms a student contingent in its system. At the same time, whether all students will be able to complete a full course and where they will work after graduation, they are not included in the concerns of the university - these are already students' problems. Persons of any age are admitted to universities in the United States, so that 17-year-olds and 70-year-olds can be met in the audience. In this connection, the period of study is also not limited - you can at any time interrupt training and continue it after several years.

In the US, there are several thousand traditional four-year colleges and universities, each of which has its own specifics. Each college independently determines its goals, specialization and student admission rules. For example, liberal arts colleges focus on basic teaching of subjects such as the humanities, social sciences, and languages.

Besides these colleges, there are many other types of higher education institutions. Historically, some colleges accepted only men or women for study, other colleges placed special emphasis on religious education. There are also completely "black" colleges for black students. However, over time, the rules changed, although sometimes it caused resistance of the academic staff. For example, in 1985, the University of Washington and Lee opened their doors to women, which provoked disgruntled students to protest.

Colleges and universities can be both public and private.This does not really affect the quality of training - good universities are found equally among both state and private universities. The main difference between them lies in the source of funding.

The size of the university matters. The larger the university, the greater the opportunities for specialization. But there are also disadvantages - professors may be too busy with their work to give enough attention to each student. In a small university or college, contact between students and teachers is closer, but the proposed choice of disciplines is already there than in a large university.

The academic year in American universities usually lasts 9 months - from the end of August or September to May or June. The year is divided into 2 semesters of 15-16 weeks, or, in individual universities, into three semesters of 10-11 weeks.

The main form of training sessions is a lecture, which is read for the threads. The concept of "academic group" (in the Russian sense) in American universities does not exist. Each student studies according to an individual program and attends lectures of his choice. Lectures last from 50 minutes to 2 hours with a change of 10 minutes. Lectures do not necessarily follow one after the other - it depends on the student’s individual schedule. One lecture can be held from 9 to 10 am, and the next - from 13 to 14 hours. The school day starts at 8 am, there are no classes on Saturdays and Sundays. In addition to lectures, there are still classes in small groups, or seminars. Usually they involve from 5 to 30 students. The seminar, as a rule, is conducted at advanced levels of study and involves close interaction between students and the teacher. Almost all universities offer students the opportunity of individual lessons with a teacher.

Students and teachers in universities communicate with each other less formally than in Russia. They often have quite close and even friendly relations (which, however, does not affect the concessions on the exam). Sometimes a professor may even invite a student for lunch or offer to participate in a public event together. Often classroom instruction is a discussion between teacher and students. The degree of evaluation may depend on how actively a student participates in discussions or discussions.

During the 4 years of study, the student is required to attend a cycle of disciplines, after which he may be awarded an academic bachelor's degree. To do this, the student must dial a certain number of credits and pass the required exams. The traditional disciplines to be studied are general scientific subjects, as well as elective disciplines. The choice of subjects depends on the student. When enrolling in an American university or college, there is no need to immediately select a future specialty, it is more important to choose the main subject of study (major). You can choose a double specialization (for example, mathematics and economics).

Every six months or more, the student meets with the curator (academic advisor), who recommends which disciplines to choose in this specialty, advises and guides the student. A lot depends on the curator in the learning process - it is he who helps the student to create an individual training program that corresponds to his life plans.

The first year or two of study is mostly general education and familiarity with a wide range of scientific disciplines, which allows the student to orient in a variety of different areas of knowledge and see the connection between them. First, the student looks closely and decides that he is closer - for example, journalism or drawing (if we are talking about, say, a liberal arts college). In the first year of study, a student may choose a variety of courses in any discipline, for example, an introduction to music or an introductory course in American history. In the second year of study, specialization takes place. By the end of this year, the student already knows what discipline he will study in depth, and in accordance with this is recorded in the streams.For example, after listening to the first and second courses of a foreign language of the initial level, he moves to intermediate and advanced, choosing to study related disciplines. During the last two years of study, the focus is on special subjects.

In order to avoid “skewing” in education, a student must attend several courses, which lie away from his specialization. For example, a specialist in English literature can take a course on the beginnings of geology or geography. Thus, the necessary balance of knowledge is observed, although, in principle, it is conditional - the same geology is hardly useful to a philologist in his future career.

Examinations at American universities usually pass two times during one semester: one in the middle, the second at the end. The form of the exam is chosen by the teacher. This can be a written exam, an oral exam or a test. If a student is well engaged in the whole semester, he can get a grade “by machine”. Examinations and tests can be retake several times (American students are not eligible for expulsion).

The schedule of vacations is determined by each educational institution in its own way, but usually there are several days off during each semester, longer vacations in December and January and a week of vacations in early spring.

A very important part of undergraduate education in the United States is participation in the non-academic life of the campus. In particular, the system of so-called student fraternities is widespread in American universities. Sometimes it is also called the "Greek system." Not all students become members of such associations. In large universities, they are joined by a quarter to a half of students, in small colleges their percentage is lower. There are exceptions - in the aforementioned University of Washington and Lee, more than 80 percent of students are members of fraternities, which is perhaps the highest percentage in the country.

The brotherhood is attractive not only because it allows the student to have an interesting time while studying, but also because it lays the foundation for useful connections. University graduates who are part of a fraternity may count on the help of senior comrades. And this support is not limited to just advice - members of the fraternities try to actively help each other all their lives. For example, two-thirds of US presidents who ruled the country in the twentieth century, including George W. Bush, were part of such fraternities. Three-quarters of all US congressmen and senators also belong to one or another student fraternity. If a bachelor's degree indicates a decent general education, then the master's degree in the United States focuses on specialized activities (business management, engineering, pedagogy, and other areas). This level of education refers to the graduate level. A bachelor who wants to become a master must study for another year or two, write and defend "theses". "Abstracts" are essentially an analytical report or a report of the applicant on his scientific work on the chosen topic. Naturally, the applicant must demonstrate the ability to collect, analyze and synthesize, synthesize and present the material.

Having received the master's degree, the specialist can continue training in the doctoral program. These programs are focused on clearly specialized training and independent scientific research. Upon completion of the doctoral studies (from 2 to 3 years) the applicant submits his scientific work, protects it, and he is awarded the degree of PhD - PhD.



Education in the United States is considered indicative of the world. In the US, there is its own system for education, which evolved for more than one century. At the same time, the formation of the USA is practically nothing like the systems of other states. Therefore, such a system is of interest. American education takes finances from the federal government. In addition, there are many institutions that relate to state budgets. Equal to them are the institutions related to private finance.

All schools in the United States work in English. But American education is quite democratic. This means that at the federal level there are no clear templates for the entire system. And this leads to the fact that any school is able to establish its own rules. Sometimes it is fixed locally.

The entire educational American structure has its own division. School years in the United States begin with five years. At this age, primary school opens for children. This is a kind of zero class. And it is not necessary to go to zero. Up to the fifth or sixth grade and last elementary school. After that, you can qualify for secondary education. "Serednyachok" will not step over the eighth grade. Then a few more years in high school. So, you can become a student at the time of majority. Further educational space for Americans is great - these are local colleges, there are also universities. The difference is only in terms of training, as well as in those degrees that can be obtained at the end.



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4. Тарасюк Л.М., Цейковіч К.М. "Освіта в США". Соціально-політичний журнал, 1997.

5. Харламов І.Ф. Педагогіка в запитаннях і відповідях. - М., 2001.

6. http://libusa.ru/tour/por.shtml Портрет США.

7. http://www.infousa.ru/education/contents.htm Система освіти в Сполучених Штатах Америки.

8. http://history.rin.ru/cgi-bin/history.pl?num=2816 Освіта в США.


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