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Дата: 20.04.2022
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Завдання до теми №2 (новонароджений) (1).docx
El sistema sanguíneo.docx

  1. One of the parts of the central nervous system has a layered arrangement of neurons, among which there are stellate, spindle-shaped, horizontal, and pyramidal cells. This structure corresponds with the following part of the nervous system:

  1.   Spinal cord

  2.    Cerebellum

  3.    Hypothalamus

  4.   Medulla oblangata

  5.  Cerebral cortex

A lab rat has subcutaneously received mercury (II) chloride in the amount of 5 mg/kg. 24 hours later the plasma creatinine concentration increased several times. What mechanism of retention azotemia is observed in this case?

  • 1.   Decreased glomerular filtration

  • 2.   increased creatinine production in renal tubules

  • 3.   increased creatine reabsorption

  • 4.   increased creatinie production in muscle

  • 5.   increase glomarular filtration

After a collision of two cars, one of the drivers has an extremely painful deformity in the middle third of the left shin. The pain intensifies on an attempt to move the let shin. The ends of a bone with triangular section protrude from the wound. Th blood loss increases. What bone is likely to be damaged?

  • 1.   Talus

  • 2.   Patella

  • 3.   Fibula

  • 4.   Tibia

  • 5.   Femur

One of the causes of pernicious anemia is disturbed synthesis of transcorrin – Castle’s intrinsic factor – by the parietal cells of the stomach. What substance is called Castle’s extrinsic factor?

  • 1.   Folic acid

  • 2.   Biotin

  • 3.   Riboflavin

  • 4.   Cobalamin

  • 5.   Pyridoxine

A 3-year-old child has been brought by an ambulance to the intensive care unit of the infectious diseases hospital. On examination the child is in severe condition, skin and mucosa are dry, tissue turgor is reduced. The patient’s history states that profuse diarrhea and recurrent vomiting were observed throughout the previous day after the child had eaten food products of poor quality. What type of salt and water imbalance is likely to have developed in the patient?

  • 1.   Hypoosmolar dehydration

  • 2.   iso osmolar hyper hydration

  • 3.   hyperosmolar dehydration

  • 4.   isooemolar dehydration

  • 5.   hypo osmolar hyper hydration

A histological preparation demonstrates a gland. In its lobules there are acini with secretory cells that have two zones. Their basal zone is homogeneous basophilic, while the apical one is zymogenic oxyphilic. What organ has these key morphological features?

  • 1.   Parotid salivary gland

  • 2.   Liver

  • 3.   Submandibular salivary gland

  • 4.   Pancreas

  • 5.   Sublingual salivary gland

    1. You work with the following specimens:

    1. brucellosis topical vaccine;

    2. leptospirosis vaccine;

    3. BCG vaccine;

    4. adsorbed diphtheria-tetanus pertussis vaccine (DTP vaccine);

    5. tetanus toxoid adsorbed.

What kind of immunity do they

    1. 1.   anti bacterial

    2. 2.   Artificial active immunity

    3. 3.   artificial passive immunity

    4. 4.   anti toxic immunity

    5. 5.   non sterilizing immunity

A 45-year-old man with acute pneumonia has developed pulmonary edema on the 6th day of illness, which resulted in his death. Autopsy shows that the entire upper lobe of the right lung is affected. This lobe is enlarged, dense, and gray on section. It has fibrinous deposits on the pleura. A cloudy liquid flows from the section surface. Microscopy shows fibrin, neutrophils, macrophages, and hemolyzed erythrocytes in the lumen of the alveoli. What type of pneumonia is the patient present with?

    1. 1.   Acute respiratory distress syndrome

    2. 2.   Croupous pneumonia

    3. 3.   Staphylococcal bronchopneumonia

    4. 4.   Hypostatic pneumonia

    5. 5.   Viral Pneumonia

  • A man presents with convergent strabismus. What muscle of the eyeball is damaged in this case?

    1. 1.   oblique muscle

    2. 2.   superior oblique

    3. 3.   lateral rectus

    4. 4.   rectus and oblique Muscle

    5. 5.   Musculus rectus oculi medialis

Autopsy of the body of a 40- year-old patient detected groups of enlarged follicles in the small intestine. Their surface has ridges and fissures arranged in a pattern that resembles gyri and sulci of the brain. The follicles protrude above the surface of the intestinal mucosa. On section they are gray-red and juicy. Microscopy shows proliferation of monocytes, histiocytes, and reticular cells, there are macrophage clusters that form granulomas, while lymphocytes are depleted. What disease can be characterized by these changes?

  • 1.   salmonellosis

  • 2.   dysentery

  • 3.   Typhoid fever

  • 4.   cholera

  • 5.   amebiasis

A man presents with decreased blood pH, low levels of bicarbonate ions (a drop in the blood alkaline reserve), and increased blood and urine levels of lactic and pyruvic acids. What type of acid-base imbalance is it?

  • 1.   Respiratory alkalosis

  • 2.   No change

  • 3.   Metabolic acidosis

  • 4.   Metabolic alkalosis

  • 5.   Respiratory acidosis

A 7-year-old girl has signs of anemia. Laboratory testing determined the deficiency of pyruvate kinase in her erythrocytes. In this case the main role in anemia development belongs to the disturbance of a certain process. What process is disturbed in this girl?

  • 1.   Oxidative phosphorylation

  • 2.   Anaerobic glycolysis

  • 3.   Peroxide decomposition

  • 4.   Amino acid decomposition

  • 5.   Tissue respiration

Autopsy of the body of a person, who died after an abdominal surgery, revealed numerous thrombi in the veins of the lesser pelvis. Clinically, thromboembolism syndrome was registered. Where should the pathologist search for thromboembolas?

  • 1.   brain

  • 2.   Pulmonary arteries

  • 3.   portal vein

  • 4.   lower limb vein

  • 5.   left ventricle

Exo- and endotoxins, aggression enzymes play a significant role in the pathogenesis of cholera. Dehydration is the main syndrome of this disease. Which of the following pathogenetic effects is the main cause of dehydration?

  • 1.   Membrane phospholipid defect

  • 2.   Mucin destruction

  • 3.   Neuraminic acid elimination

  • 4.   Adenylate cyclase activation

  • 5.   Hyaluronic acid destruction

A worker at a factory that produces vanadium compounds presents with increased ossification caused by high calcium levels in his bone tissues. This condition is likely to be associated with the activity of:

  • 1.   Osteoclasts

  • 2.   Osteoblasts

  • 3.   Chondrocytes

  • 4.   Fibrocytes

  • 5.   Fibroblasts

During an abdominal surgery, a reflex cardiac arrest has occurred. Where is this reflex center located?

  • 1.   cerebral cortex

  • 2.   Diencephalon

  • 3.   Spinal Cord

  • 4.   Mid brain

  • 5.   In medulla oblongata

A patient has gradually developed a skin plaque on his face. In the center of this plaque there are necrotic patch and an ulcer. Histo-pathological analysis of the biopsy material reveals proliferation of atypical epithelial cells with large number of pathological mitoses. Make the diagnosis.

  • 1.   Papilloma

  • 2.   Sarcoma

  • 3.   Skin cancer

  • 4.   Fibroma

  • 5.   Trophic ulcer

A 32-year-old man was diagnosed with acute radiation sickness. Laboratory analysis detected a sharp decrease in platelet serotonin levels. The most likely cause of a decrease in platelet serotonin is a disturbed decarboxylation of:

  • 1.   Histidine

  • 2.   Pyruvic acid

  • 3.   Serine

  • 4.   5-Oxytryptophan

  • 5.   Tyrosine

Bacteria entered the alveolar space of an acinus. Here they interacted with the surfactant, leading to activation of the cells localized in the alveolar walls and on the alveolar surface. Name these cells:

  • 1.   Type 1 pneumocytes

  • 2.   type 2 pneumocytes

  • 3.   Alveolar macrophages

  • 4.   Clara cells

Autopsy of the body of a 45- year-old woman, who was suffering from upper body obesity, steroid-induced diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, and secondary ovarian dysfunction, shows hypertrichosis, hirsutism, and striae on the skin of the thighs and abdomen. In the anterior part of the pituitary gland there is a tumor (microscopically it is a basophilic adenoma). In the adrenal glands, hyperplasia of the fascicular zone is observed. What diagnosis is the most likely?

  • 1.   Cushing disease

  • 2.   Cushing Syndrome

  • 3.   Adiposogenital dystrophy

  • 4.   Simmonds disease

  • 5.   Pituitary dwarfism

Due to an uncontrolled intake of a vitamin supplement, a child developed anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, hyperthermia, haemorrhages on the skin and mucosa, as well as the signs of meningism. What supplement was the child taking?
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