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Дата: 28.05.2020
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Стахур Х.Звіт2 педагогіка.docx

Nowadays artificialintelligence (AI) increases very fast. It caused by implement of modern technologies. Now it is known as narrow AI or weak, but in future it will be better and wiser.

The main purpose of AI is to get impact on society. It will change human life, help people, solve their problems, so creating AI will be the important event in history of human history. There are someone who doubts whether strong AI will ever be achieved, and others who insist that the creation of superintelligent AI is guaranteed to be beneficial.Most researchers agree that a superintelligent AI is unlikely to exhibit human emotions, but the AI can be programmed to do something devastating. If it get to bad person these weapons could easily cause mass casualties.This risk is one that’s present even with narrow AI, but grows as levels of AI intelligence and autonomy increase.The AI is programmed to do something beneficial due to a destructive method for achieving its goal. As these examples illustrate, the concern about advanced AI isn’t malevolence but competence. A super-intelligent AI will be extremely good at accomplishing its goals, and if those goals aren’t aligned with ours, we have a problem.

Many scientists raise a question about safety of AI. They affirm that we need decades to create perfect AI, which do not damage anything and anyone. If AI has the potential to become more intelligent than any human, we have no reliable way of predicting how it will behave. Our civilization will flourish as long as we win the race between the growing power of technology and the wisdom with which we manage it.

There are many captivating conversations aboutmeaning of AI for humanity.To help ourselves focus on the interesting controversies and open questions — and not on the misunderstandings — let’s clear up some of the most common myths: timeline myths are about anamount of time to receive desirable results(scientist always hope that it can be done for small amount of time, but nobody can assure of 100%); controversy myths is about safety of impelmentation of AI (there are high risks, but merely non-negligible. So we can say that how many people are there, so much thoughts we hear); myths about the risk of superhuman AI (Stephen Hawking warns that AI can be harmful for mankind. There are some articles about killing people by robots and so on. On a lighter note, such articles are actually rather impressive, because they summarize thescenario briefly that AI researchers don’t worry about.It depends on you how you perceive the fact when you see car with driver or without one. A superintelligent AI is by definition very good at attaining its goals, whatever they may be, so we need to ensure that its goals are aligned with ours.The consciousness misconception is related to the myth that machines can’t have goals. Machines can obviously have goals in the narrow sense of exhibiting goal-oriented behavior.).

We can focus on true and interesting controversies without wasting time on the above-mentioned misconceptions. You must choose what future you want to live in. You are the builder of your life, your position, your health etc.

An interesting argument was made by Barrat’s that the desire for self-preservation and the acquisition of resources can be inherent in all purposeful.

With the best ability and deviation from super smart computers, but at the moment we were very important.

Eventually, intelligent machines began to catch up with us.

Still, artificial intelligence and human beings cannot be put in one line, the person is wise, spiritually dissolved, sincere, and the machine is only meant to accomplish certain tasks.

but this is only an assumption.

If a robot is able to play chess then he may want to create a cosmic space or something else for his existence.

People, like artificial intelligence, are also developing and moving forward

Machines get smarter, computers can reprogram and improve themselves

This can all lead to an explosion of intelligence that machines have defeated humans in resources and self-preservation

But just like in biological evolution : “We’re at that point analogous to when single-celled organisms were turning into multi-celled organisms. We are amoeba and we can’t figure out what the hell this thing is that we’re creating.”

Of such concern is the rapid development of artificial intelligence

During the rapid development of the Internet, a lot of data is collected about us and then submitted to algorithms.

Not many people thought about this twenty years ago and what else lies ahead, no one really knows.




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Стахур Х.І.

Львів – 2019

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