Ім'я файлу: lesson 8.doc
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Дата: 06.09.2020


M eals

The belly rules the mind.

Your stomach shouldn’t be a waist basket.

Worries go down better with soup.

An onion can make people cry, but there has never been a

vegetable invented to make them laugh.

I’ve been on a diet for two weeks and all I’ve lost is fourteen days.

1. General

1. Загальна лексика

to feed (fed; fed) / to eat (ate; eaten)

годувати / їсти

canned / fast / fresh / frozen / cooked / spicy / takeaway / uncooked food

консерви / «фаст-фуд» / свіжа / заморожена / продукти, готові до вживання / гостра / їжа «на виніс» / напівфабрикати

nutrition / malnutrition

харчування / недоїдання

2. Every day food

2. Щоденна їжа


white, brown, rye / toast

new bread / stale bread / flour


білий, сірий, житній / грінка

свіжий хліб / черствий хліб / борошно

bun (roll) / cake / pancake / muffin / puff / pie

здобна булочка / торт, пиріг, тістечко млинець / кекс / слойка / пиріг, пиріжок


oats / wheat / barley / rice / buck wheat / rye

corn / pearl barley / semolina


овес, геркулес / пшениця / ячмінь / рис / гречана крупа / жито / кукурудза / перлова крупа / манна крупа


beef / pork / mutton (lamb) / veal


яловичина / свинина / баранина / телятина

chop / cutlet

відбивна котлета / рублена котлета

sausage / chain sausage / salami / bacon / ham

ковбаса / сосиска / копчена ковбаса / бекон / шинка


chicken / duck / goose / turkey

Домашня птиця:

курка / качка / гусак / індичка




pike / perch / sheatfish (catfish) / bream / carp / pike perch / crucian


щука / окунь / сом / лящ / короп / судак карась

plaice / cod / mackerel / trout / horse-mackerel / turbot (halibut) / sturgeon / salmon / hunchback salmon / herring / sardine / sprat / crab / lobster / oyster / shrimp (prawn)

камбала / тріска / скумбрія / форель / ставрида / палтус / осетер / лосось / горбуша / оселедець / сардина / кілька (салака, шпрот) / краб / омар / устриця / креветка

Dairy products:

milk / pasteurized (long-life) milk / baked milk

Молочні продукти:

молоко / пастеризоване молоко / пряжене молоко

cream / sour cream / butter

вершки / сметана / масло

cheese / cottage cheese / processed cheese

сир / домашній сир (рос. – творог) / плавлений сир

egg / hard-boiled / soft-boiled / fried eggs / egg shell / white of an egg / yolk of an egg

яйце / круте яйце / яйце в мішечок / яєчня / яєчна шкаралупа / білок яйця / жовток яйця

3. Fruit / Berries / Vegetables

3. Фрукти / Ягоди / Овочі


grapes / apple / pear / plum / cherry / apricot / peach


виноград / яблуко / груша / слива / вишня / абрикос / персик

lemon / orange / tangerine / grapefruit / persimmon

лимон / апельсин / мандарин / грейпфрут / хурма

pine-apple / banana

ананас / банан

melon / water melon

диня / кавун


strawberry / raspberry / currant / gooseberry / blackberry / mulberry


полуниця / малина / смородина / аґрус / ожина / шовковиця


tomato / cucumber / carrot / beet / potato / cabbage (green, red)


помідор / огірок / морква / буряк / картопля / капуста (білокачанна, червона )

pepper / radish / horse-radish / white radish

onion / garlic

перець / редис / хрін / редька / цибуля / часник

egg plant / marrow (squash) / pumpkin

баклажан / кабачок / гарбуз

peas / beans / asparagus

горошок / квасоля (боби) / спаржа


dills / parsley / lettuce


кріп / петрушка / салат-латук

4. Drinks

4. Напої

beverage (soft drink) / hard drink (alcoholic drinks, spirits)

безалкогольні / міцні напої

mineral water / juice / stewed fruit

мінеральна вода / сік / компот

tea / tea bag

чай / чай у пакетика

coffee / black coffee / white coffee / pure coffee / instant coffee / ground coffee / cocoa

кава / чорна кава / кава з молоком / натуральна кава / розчинна кава / мелена кава / какао

Hard drinks:

dessert wine / domestic wine / dry wine / red wine / sweet wine / white wine / vintage wine / vermouth / sparkling wine

Міцні напої:

десертне вино / домашнє вино / сухе вино / червоне вино / солодке вино / біле вино / марочне вино (найвищої якості) / вермут / ігристе вино

champagne / brandy (cognac) / whisky / rum / liqueur

шампанське / бренді (коньяк) / віскі / ром / лікер

5. Cooking

5. Приготування їжі

to cook(ed) food


to peel(ed) (potatoes, onion)

чистити (картоплю, цибулю)

to mince(d) the meat

зробити фарш

to chop(ed) / to simmer(ed) / to prick(ed) / to drain(ed) / to grate(ed) / to spread (spread; ) / to spill (spilt; spilled) over

рубати, сікти / смажити на повільному вогні / проколоти / дати стекти / терти / намазувати / пролити

to fry(ied) / to roast(ed) / to stew(d) / to boil(ed) / to pour(ed) out

смажити на сковороді / смажити на вогні / тушкувати / варити / наливати


Healthy Food

Notes to the text:

nutrient / fat – поживна речовина / жир

crisps / tuna / seeds – хрустка картопля (чіпси) / тунець / насіння

soft drinks – безалкогольні напої

nutritional value – поживна цінність

saturated fats – насичені жири

unprocessed fats – необроблені жири

chemicals / additives – хімікати / домішки

fertilizers / pesticides – добрива / пестициди

All food is made up of nutrients which our bodies use. Different foods contain different nutrients. Before we cut down on fat, sugar and salt, we have to know a bit more about the kind of food these things might be in. The biggest problem comes when these things are hidden in other foods: biscuits, crisps, sausages, meat pies, soft drinks and so on.

The best way is to get into the habit of checking the ingredients and nutritional value on the sides of packets although this isn’t always easy to do. But we all know that to eat much fat is bad for our health. The matter is that there are different kinds of fat, good and bad ones. Bad fats are the saturated fats, found in animal productions, like red meat, butter and cheese. Friendly fats are the unprocessed fats found naturally in foods like nuts and seeds, olives, avocados and oily fish, including tuna.

One more thing to know is that when food is cooked, its structure changes. It can change the vitamin and nutrient contents of food. More and more people feel strongly about the way, their food is produced. Nowadays so much of the basic food we eat – meat, fish, fruit and vegetables – is grown using chemicals and additives.

Although fertilizers and pesticides have greatly increased the quantity of food and helped to improve its appearance, there is a growing concern about the effects of these chemicals in the food chain. This concern has led to a growth in the demand for organically grown products because modified food, which is cheaper that ordinary one, can cause cancer and other health problems.

The food we eat, depends on lots of things. Taste is a big factor. Culture, religion and health are also essential in food we eat. Advertising and social factors influence the consumers a lot because income is an important fact. That is why, money, rather than a lack of knowledge about healthy eating, is at the heart of the problem.

So, there are three main messages to follow for balanced eating: 1) we should eat less fat, particularly saturated fat; 2) we are to cut down on sugar and salt; 3) we must eat more fresh fruit and vegetables.

  1. Comprehension questions.

  1. What is all food made up of?

  2. Where are fats hidden and what are their kinds?

  3. What intensifiers are used to grow food nowadays?

  4. What can be the results of eating modified food?

  5. What are three main messages to follow for balanced eating?

  1. Find in the text English equivalents to the following.

Цукор / сіль, прихований, пиріжки з м’ясом, тваринна продукція, жирна риба, зміна структури, збільшити кількість їжі, харчовий ланцюг, занепокоєння, зростання попиту, модифікована їжа, спричиняти рак, культура / релігія, нестача знань, свіжі овочі / фрукти.

  1. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

Pasta, hot dog, rice, fish and chips, potato, meat, pizza

  1. ………… is the most popular food in Japan.

  2. ………… and ………… are very popular in Britain.

  3. Chips are made of ………… .

  4. Most Italian people love ………… .

  5. Hamburgers are made of ………… .

  6. A ………… a sausage inside a piece of bread.

  1. Put the words into two categories: fruit / vegetables.

Beans, pineapple, grapes, onions, apple, carrot, garlic, pear, mushroom



  1. Here are the names of some drinks with the letters mixed up. What are they?

eta tea klim rituf eciju

rebe fecofe nilemar retaw

  1. Look at this pizza menu. Match the pizza names with their ingredients. Give your answers below.

Italian Crust Pizzas


1. Margherita ₤ 4.70

a. onion, pepperoni, spicy beef, chili

2. Hawaiian ₤ 5.80

b. chicken, mushroom, green pepper

3. Hot ‘n’ spicy ₤ 5.90

c. cheese, tomato

4. Seafood ₤ 6.15

d. garlic, onion, olives

5. Vegetarian ₤ 5.80

e. chicken, ham, spicy beef, pepperoni, salami

6. Meatlover ₤ 6.20

f. prawns, tuna, anchovies, olives

7. American Two-timer ₤ 5.80

g. mushroom, ham, pineapple

8. Chicken ‘n’ mushroom ₤ 6.10

h. mushroom, onion, green pepper, tomatoes

9. Garlic treat ₤ 4.60

i. mushroom, green pepper, onion, salami, pepperoni, ham, spicy beef, garlic

10. Chef’s special ₤ 6.45

j. double mushroom, double pepperoni

Margherita c Meatlover ……

Hawaiian …… American Two-timer ……

Hot ‘n’ spicy …… Chicken ‘n’ mushroom ……

Seafood …… Garlic treat ……

Vegetarian …… Chef’s special ……

  1. Put each of the following words or phrases in its correct place in the passage.

Recipe, menu, fast food, take-away, eat out, waiter, dish,

snack, bill, tip, cookery books, ingredients

I’m a terrible cook. I’ve tried hard but it’s no use. I’ve got lots of ………, I choose a ………… I want to cook, I read the ………… , I prepare all the necessary ………… and follow the instructions. But the result is terrible, and I just have a sandwich or some other quick ………… . So I often ………… .

I don’t like grand restaurants. It’s not the expense, it’s just that I don’t feel at ease in them. First the ……… gives me a ……… which I can’t understand because it’s complicated and has lots of foreign words. At the end of the meal when I pay the ……… I never know how much to leave as a ……… . I prefer ……… places, like hamburger shops where you pay at once and sit down and eat straightaway. And I like ………… where you buy a meal in a special container and take it home.

  1. Use the following words and phrases to fill in the gaps.

    Nuts, a piece of cake, as nice as a pie, full of beans, not my cup of tea

    1. I think our teacher is …………… . S/he is very kind and patient.

    2. I don’t enjoy learning English pronunciation. It’s …………… .

    3. I think that learning English grammar is ………….. . it’s very easy.

    4. I know someone who is completely …………… . S/he is mad!

    5. I’m always …………… . I’m very energetic and full of life!

  1. Read the following dialogues.

A: I’m calling the waiter.

B: What’s the matter?

A: This steak has too much fat.

B: What do you want the waiter to do?

A: Bring me a better steak.

B: I wouldn’t do that.

A: Why not?

B: They will drop the new steak on the floor, step on it, and then spit on it.

A: You’re crazy.

B: Then the waiter will give you a big smile as he brings you the new steak.

A: Where do you get these crazy ideas?

B: I used to cook in a restaurant!


A: Let’s leave.

B: But we just got here.

A: Did you see the waiter’s hands?

B: No.

A: He had dirty fingernails.

B: Really?

A: His nails were black!

B: That’s disgusting.

A: And he poured water into our glasses.

B: Yuck! No water for me.

A: I wonder if the cooks? Nails are dirty, too.

B: Who cares? Let’s get out of here.

  1. Read the story about the lady fond of junk food.

Burger Queen

She’s 109 years old and she eats only junk food.

Yesterday was Mary Alston’s birthday. She is 109 years old, and she is one of the oldest people in the world. And she only eats junk food.

Mrs. Alston had a party with six generations of her family. Her daughter, Jenny Morgan, who is 85, said, ‘My mother loves chocolate, and eats only popcorn, pizzas and burgers. She never eats fresh food. She says she doesn’t like it.’

Mrs. Alston lives in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. She was born on a farm in Pennsylvania, and worked as a teacher. In 1915 she married James Henry Alston. He died in 1983.

Her granddaughter, Annie, who is 65, said, ‘Grandma gets up every day at six o’clock, and goes to the hairdresser every Friday.’

Annie asked her grandmother what she wanted to eat on her birthday. Mary said, ‘I’d like a cheeseburger and fries!’
a. Match the questions and answers. Complete the sentences.



    1. When was Mary Alston’s birthday?

  1. She was …………… teacher.

    1. ……………she have a party?

  1. She gets up at six o’clock.

    1. Does she eat fresh food?

  1. It was yesterday.

    1. What …………… she eat?

  1. ‘I …………… a cheeseburger and fries!’

    1. What was her job?

  1. Yes, she did.

    1. …………… was she born?

  1. She …………… to the hairdresser.

    1. When did she marry?

  1. Popcorn, pizza and burgers.

    1. What time does she ………….. up?

  1. No, she …………… .

    1. Where does she go every Friday?

  1. On a farm in Pennsylvania.

    1. what did she say to her granddaughter?

  1. She married …………… 1915.

  1. We all love food – but we don’t all like the same things! Read these amazing food facts from around the world and see how different we are.

Amazing food facts!

      • People in China eat 134,800,000,000 kgs of rice a year – more than in any other country in the world.

      • In Tibet, people don’t have sugar in their tea, they have butter and salt!

      • In McDonald’s restaurants in India they don’t sell beef. All the meat in their burgers is chicken or lamb. They also sell vegetarian burgers.

      • People in Ireland drink about 150 liters of beer a year. In Germany, people drink about 130 liters a year.

      • American people eat about 10 kg of chocolate every year, but the Japanese eat only 3 kg a year.

      • The Royal Dragon restaurant in Bangkok, Thailand, has space for 5,000 customers at one time. There are 1,200 waiters and cooks, and over 1,000 items on the menu.

      • The Solo per Due restaurant in Vacone, in central Italy, has only got one table – for two people!

a. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?

        1. Chinese people eat a lot of rice.

        2. Tea in Tibet is different to tea in the UK.

        3. You can buy beef in every McDonald’s restaurant in the world.

        4. Japanese people eat a lot of chocolate.

        5. The menu at the Royal Dragon restaurant is very big.

        6. It is easy to have dinner at the Solo per Due restaurant.

  1. Writing options. Try to make a story on the offered topics.

    1. Are there any foods that you wouldn’t eat as a child that you eat now? Do you think that we eat better now than we did in the past?

    2. Do you cook? If yes, what food do you cook the most often?

    3. Do you like food from other countries? If yes, which do you like the most?

    4. Do you like to eat at fast food restaurants? Do you think fast food, soda and sweets should be sold in school cafeterias?

    5. Why can’t people stop eating? Why do you think obesity has become a world wide problem?

    6. Have you ever had very bad customer service in a restaurant? Has the waiter / waitress ever mixed up your order / overcharged you / been very rude? Have you every complained to a manager about a waiter / waitress or refused to pay for your meal?

    7. What are some foods that are considered unhealthy? Do you agree with genetically modified food we eat?

    8. What do you usually like to drink when you go out?

    9. What is the most unusual thing you’ve ever eaten? What foods have you tasted which you will never forget for the rest of your life?


A friend got some vinegar in his ear, now he suffers from pickled hearing.


Waiter, there’s a strange film on my soup.

Well, what do you expect for one Dollar, Star Wars?


Customer: Waiter, what’s this fly doing in my ice-cream?

Waiter: Looks like he’s learning to ski.


Which vegetable goes best with jacket potatoes?

Button mushrooms.


Customer: How often do you change the tablecloths in this establishment?

Waiter: I don’t know, sir, I’ve only worked here for six months.

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