Ім'я файлу: ессе.docx
Розширення: docx
Розмір: 14кб.
Дата: 22.12.2020
Пов'язані файли:
15 висловів Чуковського(психологія).docx
Періодична система.pptx
3884_Урок образотворчого мистецтва.doc

I'm Valera and I'm the sales manager of «SmartHome», which manufactures home automation systems. I would like to tell you how smart devices increase the value of property and also make people's lives easier.

Today, home automation is becoming very popular around the world. Statistics show that the global market for smart homes will continue to grow with the further development of technology.

This means that more and more homes will be equipped with automated systems, such as voice assistants, automatic lighting or smart security systems.

Now, how exactly does home automation increase the attractiveness of your home? In addition to popularity, these are the benefits of installing smart home devices that can help increase the value of the property;

Smart devices increase comfort and convenience

With these devices, you can control many of your home features at the touch of a button or by voice.

Another advantage is that many smart home devices are designed to reduce energy consumption at home

Ensuring the safety of your home is one of the top priorities you worry about

so Choose wisely and install smart home devices. I'm sure that's the future.

but remember that if smart home devices are really smart, it does not mean that homeowners should not be, because maybe these smart devices will take the house under their control)))

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