Ім'я файлу: анг слова.docx
Розширення: docx
Розмір: 16кб.
Дата: 26.04.2021
Пов'язані файли:
MY FLAT.docx
диалог Hello Martin.docx
Послідовність і попередній розрахунок.docx
Ставки внесків до Пенсійного фонду та фондів соціального страхув
Лабораторний практикум 1.docx

  1. Appearance-зовнішність;

  2. ear-вухо;

  3. eyes-очі;

  4. mouth-рот

  5. eyebrows-брови

  6. eyelashes-вії;

  7. nose-ніс;

  8. lips-губи;

  9. cheeks-щоки;

  10. tooth-зуб;

  11. teeth-зуби;

  12. forehead-лоб;

  13. skin-шкіра;

  14. wrinkles-зморшки;

  15. hair-волосся;

  16. head-голова;

  17. bald-лисий;

  18. shoulders-плечі;

  19. back-спина;

  20. waist-талія;

  21. hands-руки;

  22. fingers-пальці;

  23. legs-ноги;

  24. thin-худий;

  25. fat-товстий;

  26. tall-високий;

  27. short-невисокий;

  28. strong-сильний;

  29. slim-стрункий;

  30. young-молодий;

  31. curly-кучерявий;

  32. pretty-красива;

  33. handsome-красивий;

  34. small-маленький;

  35. big-великий;

  36. thick-товстий,густий,рясний;

  37. dark-темний;

  38. false-накладні(вії);

  1. My girlfriend has a very good appearance

  2. She has got big ear

  3. She has got big blue eyes.

  4. She has an oval face with a round chin, a big mouth and full lips. 

  5.  He has flat eyebrows

  6. Julia has long and black eyelashes

  7. Не has got a small nose.

  8. She's got full lips and broad nose.

  9. The girl dimples on the cheeks

  10. Elena has white perfect teeth

  11. He had a good smile but one tooth was crooked

  12. He has got a small scar on his forehead.

  13. She has soft skin.

  14. My mom looks very young and doesn't even have wrinkles

  15. His hair is fair and straight.

  16. He had a very round head like a ball

  17. He probably wears the hat to hide his bald head

  18. He was very tall with broad shoulders.

  19. His back is bent beneath the load

  20. I have unusually wide shoulders and narrow waist.

  21. She had gentle hands

  22. Andrew had bony fingers

  23. I wish I had really long legs

  24. My father is thin

  25. My younger brother is fat

  26. He is quite tall 

  27. He is short and slim

  28. my boyfriend is strong because he plays sports

  29. my neighbor is very slim

  30. This is a young man.

  31. Marina has got long and curly hair

  32. My mom is a very pretty woman

  33. She has handsome hair color

  34. I have a small nose

  35. My grandfather has big ears

  36. She had thick braids

  37. He has short dark hair.

  38. My sister has false eyelashes


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