Ім'я файлу: English.docx
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Дата: 30.03.2020
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9. Read sentences 1-6 and decide (individually) whether you agree or disagree. Think about examples you can use to support your point of view. Write your answers.

  1. Women worry more about their diet than men.
    Disagree, because every person who wants to be healthy worry about their diet

  2. Young people today eat less healthily than ten years ago.
    Agree, because fastfood restaurants are much more popular nowadays than ten years ago

  3. Men cook as a hobby, women cook because they have to.
    Disagree, because there are a lot of men among chefs

  4. Vegetarians are healthier than people who eat a lot of meat
    Disagree, because we need to eat fruits, vegetables and meat in balanced equal conditions to get all vitamins to be healthy

  5. You can often eat better in cheap restaurants than in expensive ones.
    Disagree, because expensive restaurants can provide similar nutritious dishes as well as cheap restaurants

  6. Every country thinks that their cooking is the best.
    Agree, because every country can offer their unique dishes that can’t be compared with other

10. Match the following English idioms. Translate them into Ukrainian.

1.to bite off more than one can chew

A. to have a lot of tasks

2.to take something with a pinch of salt

B. extremely rich in producing food

3.to have a lot on one's plate

C. to be sold out very quickly

4.to know which side one's bread is buttered on

D. to make an unpleasant thing seem less so

5.flowing with milk and honey

E. not to believe entirely

6.to sell like hot cakes

F. to be an unwanted member of a trio

7.a storm in a tea-cup

G. where one is in a position of advantage

8.to sugar the pill

H. for certain

9.to play gooseberry

I. to attempt to do more than one can

10. as sure as eggs is eggs

J. disturbance over a trifling matter

mean matching the two parts.

to bite off more than one can chew - to attempt to do more than one can
to take something with a pinch of salt - not to believe entirely
to have a lot on one's plate - to have a lot of tasks
to know which side one's bread is buttered on - where one is in a position of advantage
flowing with milk and honey - extremely rich in producing food
to sell like hot cakes - to be sold out very quickly
a storm in a tea-cup - disturbance over a trifling matter mean matching the two parts
to sugar the pill - to make an unpleasant thing seem less so
to play gooseberry - to be an unwanted member of a trio
as sure as eggs is eggs - for certain
11.Translate into English. Use taste of/ like, smell of/ like where necessary.

  1. Я випив чашку чаю, що віддавав кавою. Ти що, не помив чашки після сніданку?

  2. Ця мінеральна вода на смак як оцет. – This mineral water tastes like a vinegar

  3. У наших слив просто райський смак! – Our plums are impeccable in taste

  4. Дивно, що у цих тістечок шоколадний присмак, хоча я не додавала в них шоколад. – Creepy that this cakes have chocolate taste, although I haven’t added chocolate to them

  5. Що ти робиш? — Куштую суп. На смак він як грибний. – What are you doing? – I’m eating soup. Tastes like mushroom soup.

  6. Запах свіжоспеченого хліба завжди робить атмосферу в будинку більш затишною. – The bread smell always makes atmosphere at home more cozy

  7. Після того як я спробував потроху від усіх страв, я зрозумів, що мені зовсім не подобається, як вона готує. – After I tasted a little by little from all dishes, I understood that I don’t like the way she cooks at all.

  8. У кімнаті стояв запах лимонів. Thhhe room smelled with lemons

  9. У цієї страви дуже приємний запах. Сподіваюся, і на смак вона буде чудовою. – This dish has a nice smell. Hope it tastes amazing too

  10. У кухні щось смердить. — О боже, це риба, що я збиралася приготувати на вечерю! – The kitchen stinks. – Oh God, it’s fish that I supposed to cook for supper

  11. Тушковані баклажани пахнуть як гриби. Stewed eggplants smell like mushrooms

  12. На смак ця страва занадто віддає часником.

  13. У її подиху був запах м’яти Mint was on her breath.

  14. Малюк відкусив шматочок яблука, що лежало у вазі, але в ньому не було ніякого смаку, і він подумав, що воно несправжнє. Baby bit off a peace of apple that laid in a vase.

15. Що ти готуєш? Пахне шашликом. — Просто смажу м’ясо. – What are you cocking? Smells with barbecue. – Just frying a meat

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