Ім'я файлу: Самостійна робота 1 англ..docx
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Дата: 06.11.2021
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Самостійна робота 2.docx

Самостійна робота 1

1.1.Translate the text paying attention to the outlined parts.


Recently much attention has been given to the study of this phenomenon. In this paper new experimental observations are presented and discussed. The data have been given obtained assuming a new model of the mechanism involved, which was suggested earlier by the author. The measurements have been carried out by with a conventional apparatus slightly modified by the author. All possible sources of error are taken into account and consideration is given to the advantages and shortcomings of the present approach. The results are analyzed and the analysis is followed by a comparison of the data obtained with those available in literature. It is hoped thatthe disagreement may be accounted for by improved experimental techniques of the present investigation.

Останнім часом багато уваги приділяється вивченню цього явища. У цій роботі представлені та обговорені нові експериментальні спостереження. Дані наведені з урахуванням нової моделі механізму, запропонованої раніше автором. Вимірювання проводилися за допомогою звичайної апаратури, дещо модифікованої автором. Враховано всі можливі джерела помилок і враховано переваги та недоліки цього підходу. Результати аналізуються і після аналізу проводиться порівняння отриманих даних з наявними в літературі. Сподіваємося, що розбіжності можна пояснити вдосконаленими експериментальними методиками цього дослідження.


1.2.Answer the questions to the text.

1. Is it an abstract, a summary or a conclusion?

In my opinion, this is a conclusion.
2. What was the author's theoretical contribution?

The data have been given obtained assuming a new model of the of the mechanism involved, which was suggested earlier by the author.
3. Did anybody else study the phenomenon? (Find sentences to support your answer).

Yes, because much attention has been given to the study of this phenomenon. Other people studied it also.
4. Did the author's result agree with those reported in literature?

Not really. It is written « It is hoped thatthe disagreement may be accounted for by improved experimental techniques of the present investigation »
5. How does he account for that?

Author don’t explain why his results agree with those reported in literature.
6. How does the author increase the accuracy of the results?

By improved experimental techniques

2. Complete the following sentences.

1. The application of this method would be possible after it have been improved.

2. Both methods are useful in case if both give exactly same results.

3. This method requires deep knowledge of apparatus modification to get better results.

4. The main advantage of this method lies in the fact that author have very good knowledge's to solve his problems.

5. The method allows the problem of measurements to be solved by improving experimental techniques.

6. We propose a method which will give better results.

7. The proposed method was based on the idea that by modifying slightly a conventional apparatus to do measurements they could got better results.

8. Their constant efforts to develop a new and better method resulted in comparison at old method.

9. Both methods are useful only when they will give exactly same results.

10. The method is highly dependent upon knowledges of authors.


3. Write an invitation to foreign colleagues to take part in the conference  which is going to take place at your university.

Hello our American students!

On December 15-16, 2021 in our Mykolayiv National University named after VO Sukhomlynsky holds the V All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference of young scientists "Science. Students. Modernity". Young scientists, graduate students, undergraduates and students are invited to participate in the conference.

The purpose of the conference is to involve participants in discussing topical issues of education and upbringing of modern youth, clarifying the basic theoretical foundations of personality formation, exchange of experience, coordination of research content, solving practical problems of student personality education.


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