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Examination test-2020 (FТM, only questions) (1).docx

1. Art is a diverse range of (products of) human activities involving creative imagination to express technical proficiency, beauty, emotional power, or conceptual ideas. The purpose of art, for me is to represent the world, to show things around us. Paintings can show the natural beauty of the world. Even those really early cave paintings show the world of the people who painted them. I love landscape painting. I'm not interested in groundbreaking modern and contemporary art, or all that abstract art which people like. I'm not interested in what critics and collectors say. I don't want to think about what it means. I just want it to look nice and to make me feel good. It is also all about the skill of the artists. I can’t draw or paint, so I like to see how they recreate reality just by using shapes and colors. It is a real skill. I tried at school, but I just had no talent for it. It is amazing what they can do. I just like naturalistic art, I suppose. I think it is called realism.

2. Well, I'm a big fan of contemporary art - really up-to-date things. I like video art - the stuff many people think is a bit crazy. I'm really into that sort of thing. I think some of it is really stylish, but you wouldn't, or couldn't have it in your home. I suppose I like art which is controversial. I also like the idea of mixing artistic styles and types of art together. A friend of mine took me to a great performance art exhibition which I loved. With the music, lights and the movement it was so impressive - out of this world. It was a bit like dance in some parts. I also enjoy sculpture, but really weird stuff made from strange materials. I know it's not for everyone, but I really like it. I like traditional art, big museums and galleries. I like classical art, I suppose, you know, landscapes and portraits - the typical masterpieces. But recently I've got very interested in Asian art I saw on the internet this exhibition of Chinese art which was incredible. It was so beautiful. It really took my breath away. l'd seen a lot of stuff in books and then I saw a TV documentary about the exhibition. It really lived up to my expectations when I saw it. The reality was even better than I hoped. Some of the pottery was amazing, especially when you think how old it is. The whole exhibition inspired me to find out more about art from around the world.

3. Nowadays, photography is considered an art form as valid as any other, and there are multiple museums and galleries exhibiting photographic work. However, it wasn't so easy at the beginning, when photography was first invented, and photographers had a hard time being considered artists. There are some differences between painting as an art and photography as an art. A further characteristic of photography, unlike painting, is that more can be captured in a photograph than was intended by the photographer. Fine details, entirely unexpected and often invisible to the naked eye, can be revealed. The photograph 'does not lie' because it has not passed through the brain of the photographer. This is completely different from the brain processes of the painter, who decides what he is going to paint, how he will make the subject interesting and how he is going to paint it. Some critics of photography claim that modern cameras reduce photo-taking to an automatic process. They say, just point and shoot. The camera does the rest. You will get a good photo." But I strongly believe that painting is more complicated phenomenon unlike photography.

4. There are a lot of benefits to writing a travel blog! I would like to mention some of them and, on my opinion, the most important. First of all, we can share our experiences with the world. A travel blog allows you to reach people all around the world. Some of these people may be looking for a similar experience, looking for inspiration or even planning their own trip. Help other travelers have a better experience. We can blog about the little details, tips and tricks and cool experiences you had. Inspiring others. People “stuck” in the 9-5, white picket fence lives might be inspired by our travel experiences and decide to quit their jobs, take more vacation time or travel to a place they wouldn’t have before. Making friends around the world. We’ll end up meeting like-minded people in different places that will become some of our best friends. As a bonus, we’ll always have a place to stay when we stay with a friend!

5. An effective team has a number of ‘building blocks’ in place.

Clear objectives. There are mutually-agreed aims and objectives, and everyone has a clear understanding of these.

Balanced roles. There is a good balance of skills, abilities and aspirations. Team members have a clear understanding of each individual’s role in achieving overall team objectives.

Good communication. Meetings are productive and there is effective communication up, down and across the organisation.

Appropriate leadership. The team trusts the team leader and feels that it is led in an appropriate way.

Support and trust. People help each other by listening, evaluating, offering ideas, encouraging experimentation and giving support.

Openness and conflict. People express themselves openly and honestly. There is a willingness to work through difficult situations or conflict constructively.

Individual development. ‘Mistakes’ are faced openly and used as a vehicle for learning. Individuals are given opportunities to develop new skills and experience.

In order to be successful team, it must include such people such plant, resource investigator, coordinator, shaper, monitor-evaluator, team worker, completer-finisher and specialist. All these people do all necessary work to have a successful team.

6. Peer pressure is the direct influence on people by peers, or the effect on an individual who is encouraged and wants to follow their peers by changing their attitudes, values or behaviors to conform to those of the influencing group or individual. Peer pressure can happen we are influenced to do something we would not usually do because we want to be accepted by our peers (i.e. groups of friends who are about the same age and share the same interests). Children and young adults especially feel social pressure to conform to the peer group with which they socialize. Peer pressure definitely plays a role in bullying. If a teenager is generally seen as weak or different by the majority of their peers, they can become a safe target for bullies. Bullies pick easy targets, people that the group are unlikely to defend or get upset over. Bullies can also threaten and tease other teenagers anonymously over the internet. This is called cyber- bullying. Unfortunately, some bullies are popular and liked by many of their peers, which means others are less likely to call the behavior bullying. These popular bullies can act appropriately towards teachers and adults so the problem often goes unnoticed. Many victims of bullies feel very lonely, have low self-esteem and become depressed. Understandably, parents are often deeply worried when their children are being bullied.

7. Criminal profiling is like a case which involves investigating an offender's behavior, motives and background to provide specific information about the type of person who commits a certain crime. This makes it possible to draw up a profile of actual or potential offenders. The investigation covers such areas as the criminal's age, sex, employment, place of residence and distinctive personality characteristics. Profilers note and evaluate minute details of the crime scene, enabling them to describe the specific methods of operation of the criminal, e.g. how he kills, where he kills, and what type of victim he selects. Profiling tries to identify potential serious offenders early; for example, in their teens they often commit petty crimes, defying authority, until they begin killing in their mid- to late twenties. Some experts say that psychological profiling is at best useless and at worst harmful. They argue that the profiling of killers has no real-world value, wastes police time and risks bringing the profession into disrepute. I would like to say that I completely agree with them. Really, incorrect information from profiling can lead to serious mistakes. Police may find a suspect who appears to fit an incorrect profile and stop investigating other leads. This happened in the case of Richard Jewell and the Olympic Park bombing in Atlanta Jewell was wrongly investigated because he fitted the criminal profile, delaying the identification of the real culprit, Eric Rudolph.

8. A phone-in is a programme on radio or television in which people phone with questions or opinions and their calls are broadcast. I have heard a lot about it but I have never listen to radio phone-in programmes. But I know that it gives some advises if you have any problems. People are consulted by psychologist there.

9. Culture, simply, is the ideas, customs, and social behavior of a particular people or society. A culture represents the beliefs and practices of a group, while society represents the people who share those beliefs and practices. Neither society nor culture could exist without the other. In addition to its intrinsic value, culture provides important social and economic benefits. With improved learning and health, increased tolerance, and opportunities to come together with others, culture enhances our quality of life and increases overall well-being for both individuals and communities. I have never been abroad, but If I am abroad, I will miss some Ukrainian customs. I certainly would miss the Ukrainian style of friendship. In my country, people will discuss all kinds of very personal problems. And they expect friends to forget their own problems and do everything to help you out. Also, I would miss Ukrainian jokes and loud laughter. Ukrainians often organize parties at someone's home, old friends come together and spend hours eating and drinking around a big table, discussing things, singing, dancing. One final thing. I would miss our traditional Ukrainian winter, going down snow covered hills on a toboggan with, skiing and skating, playing snowballs and making snow maidens with fluffy snow.

10. It seems the more reading we do, the better, whatever it is. Reading increases vocabulary, improves our general knowledge and keeps our memory and reasoning abilities working well. I suppose, tips for improving reading depend on the sort of reading we're doing. However, I think students are often not selective enough about what they choose to read and then they focus too much on details. It's very important get an overall idea about what we're reading and to make full use of any headings and subheadings to help guide our reading, and stop us wasting time reading unnecessary information. Also, I think it's crucial to engage with what we read. In fact, reading should be a two-way process. To be an effective reader, we should always be thinking about what the writer may say next, and also questioning what you read. Think about if we agree or disagree with what we’re reading, with the opinion of the writer, with their logic, conclusions and arguments, that sort of thing. For people who want to improve their reading speed, a good tip is to use our finger, but not to follow the words on the line. No, the secret here is to move our finger down the page as we read, as this train our eyes to move more quickly down the text and keep us moving forward.

11. There are many people and that is why there are many opinions toward technology. Some of them are technologically minded and some-are technophobes. As to me, I am technologically minded. I can’t imagine my life without technology today. I use it almost every moment. My laptop, my smartphone and my printer are three items of technology I use most often. My laptop is my everything. I use it very and very often. It helps me, first of all, in studying. I communicate with my friends and relatives from abroad with the help of my laptop. Also I use my phone with the same goals. The phone is more comfortable and portable. With the help of the phone, I speak with my parents, especially with the help of Viber, What’s up and Telegram. I can send them different messages. Printer is very useful and helpful technological item for me. I use it when I have to prepare for seminars or something important classes at the university. These are three items of technology which I use the most.

12. A world without technology seems very difficult to imagine but it is not impossible. I think that world without technology is not the end of the live. There are many thing to do if the technology disappear. First of all, I will learn the foreign language, I will practice my conversational language skills with friend and local residence.

I will make new friends, get to know each other, I will have more time to communicate with my friends, we will have more time also for the rest.

I will meet my new neighbors which I haven’t met yet.

I will play the game.

I will get more time for cooking and practice cooking skills which I have.

And of course, the thing which is very interesting to do without technology is writing down my personal journal. I will write all the events and emotions there. It would be gripping and fabulous.

13. Genetically modified (GM) foods contain at least one ingredient coming from a plant with an altered genetic composition.16 Genetic modification, also known as genetic engineering, often introduces new, desirable characteristics to plants, such as greater resistance to pests. My opinion is that GMOs should be allowed in organic production systems. Certainly a herbicide resistant GMO trait is useless to an organic farmer, because he doesn’t use herbicides. However, there is no fundamental reason why natural disease or insect resistance traits couldn’t be transfered from one crop to another by genetic engineering in order to make that GMO easier to grow organically.

It’s not happening now, but it is what should happen in my opinion. No doubt I hold a minority opinion in organic activist circles though.

14. Technology is frequently accused of being the root cause of a raft of social problems.

Texting, social networking, googling - they've all been in the dock in recent years, accused of causing a range of social and behavioural problems. Technology may be intensifying a conflict between the part of the brain that helps a person focus and set priorities, and the part that demands it pay attention to new information. So for example, the goal of doing an essay assignment for homework can be overridden by the barrage of incoming email. People become accidental multi-taskers.

A study at the University of California, Irvine, found that people interrupted by email reported significantly increased stress compared with those left to focus. Stress hormones have been shown to reduce short-term memory.

Email messages and phone calls play to a primitive impulse to respond to immediate opportunities and threats. The stimulation of an email message or a text provokes excitement—a dopamine squirt—that researchers say can be addictive—like food and sex, which are essential but detrimental in excess. In its absence, people feel bored.

15. It is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the issue that children have too much freedom in modern world. An obvious reason for this is modern technology and is that parents work hard for their children. Many people think it is right to give their children a lot of freedom, but others do not agree that children should to be given freedom. Surely, it is quite controversial question which is important to discuss. The major advantage is self-confidence. When children are free to express their thoughts, they become more confident and ready to try new things, regardless of the consequences. Another good thing about giving a child a lot of freedom is that children can experiment with all sorts of hobbies when the restrictions are less. It is noticeable that children who grow up in a less harsh environment are easier to show their creativity. From these facts, it is clear that having a lot of freedom, the children can easily reveal himself and their abilities. So, I agree that children should have a lot of freedom.

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